Look back at the op. I quoted the Watchtower. The 45th verse is not mentioned, true, but the discussion and application of the virgin’s parable is unmistakable. It is all together.
two things i noted at this year’s rc.
1) the new teaching with respect to matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file jw.
this teaching is also found in the watchtower study for last sunday.. then he will answer them, saying: ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.. 2) the new armageddon video which was a big shift.
Look back at the op. I quoted the Watchtower. The 45th verse is not mentioned, true, but the discussion and application of the virgin’s parable is unmistakable. It is all together.
two things i noted at this year’s rc.
1) the new teaching with respect to matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file jw.
this teaching is also found in the watchtower study for last sunday.. then he will answer them, saying: ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.. 2) the new armageddon video which was a big shift.
Ok, I’m back.
Longhair, you nailed it in your first reply. There’s always “a reason” isn’t there....
Average Joe. Don’t “very much doubt” , it’ll get you df’d. LOLOLOL
I was dozing off during the governing boredom initiative, argh.. I mean the RC, but I perked up when bruddah Bill took the stage to impart wisdom to the masses. I recorded his talk, and I will type out what he read from his manuscript talk. (I’ve known bruddah Bill a long time)
As it is, I have been at this half a century, and I know that whatever “new” there is at the convention will be splain’d in depth for sure in the Watchtowers later in the year. I was actually surprised to see it mentioned in an article that was concurrent with the RC schedule.
I started to listen to the talk again, to type out his words of wisdom, but I got sidetracked. I’ll try to get to it today.
Average Joe, we’re you there? How long have you “been at it”... You don’t really thing the GB has it annotated and announced when they admit they were wrong, do ya? 😂
two things i noted at this year’s rc.
1) the new teaching with respect to matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file jw.
this teaching is also found in the watchtower study for last sunday.. then he will answer them, saying: ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.. 2) the new armageddon video which was a big shift.
Two things I noted at this year’s RC.
1) The new teaching with respect to Matthew 25:45 which was applied equally to the rank & file JW. This teaching is also found in the Watchtower study for last Sunday.
Then he will answer them, saying: ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.2) The new Armageddon video which was a big shift. Last year’s Armageddon video found the dubs holed up in a basement ‘compound’, Branch Davidian Koresh style, complete with the FBI busting in and no salvation to be found. This year all the dubs were out in the open in a farmer’s field, not hiding from law enforcement and Jesus Saves!
Regarding item 1) the watchtower last week says
6. How does the parable of the talents provide encouragement? 6 Jesus imitated his Father’s example. The parable of the talents, given in Jesus’ prophecy about the conclusion of the system of things, encourages faithfulness. The master honored each of the faithful slaves with the words: “Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.” (Matt. 25:21, 23) What strong encouragement to continue serving Jehovah faithfully!
There is no encouragement value to rank & file members unless this applies to them. Regarding the talk at the convention, I recorded it.
Previously, this verse was applied to the annointed. It was taught that those dubs who obeyed the “least of these my brothers” would get salvation. This is a big shift. Now, rank and file members get salvation “equally” by doing good in the congregation to other R&F dubs.
we've posted updated and new research on our history blog.
this is rough draft material for a chapter in vol.
Why not spend some gobs of time documenting Jimmy Swaggart? Sure, he’s got lots to talk about. You could write reams...
For me, all I needed to do is hear his BS once. I didn’t even need to hear about the two times he was caught hiring prostitutes.
Looking forward to seeing you spend your thin life poring over Jimmy’s crap.
we've posted updated and new research on our history blog.
this is rough draft material for a chapter in vol.
I personally find no difficulty in demonstrating that the Watchtower and the “Society” built upon it is bunk.
All I have to do is open the pages of the 1st through 3rd editions of The Watchtower and copy and paste.
BS front to back.
nuff said
we've posted updated and new research on our history blog.
this is rough draft material for a chapter in vol.
I had a look at the link. I found error and wrong thinking. No references. Just opinion.
so i was watching some of the dramas screened at the be courageous convention, and one caught my eye.. it's the scene where a group of jw teens are watching something deemed as "sinful" at the movie theaters.
there were only sound effects, so i decided to fill in the blanks.. https://vimeo.com/275184883.
bottom line: machine guns = bad.
Wow funny. The hypocrisy thickens.
Interesting that at our venue, the Society Gods have determined that the monitors in the concourse should NOT display the convention this year.
Apparently, someone has been using their cell phone to record the hypocrisy off these monitors... LOL
And these morons cannot wrap their feeble puny minds around the fact that the copies of their BS videos are not the product of videoing a stupid monitor on a wall at the convention.
What chance of future success have they when they think like they do?
anyone got a spare £75 million, for a good cause?.
go to the uk charity commission accounts for watchtower bible and tract society of great britain: http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/showcharity/registerofcharities/documentlist.aspx?registeredcharitynumber=1077961&subsidiarynumber=0&doctype=accountlist
now download the accounts for 2017. see page.4 (signed by robert li on p.7, april 2018) .
I think it would be productive to launch a campaign to the UK Charity Commission.
The Commission is being hypocritical in denying status to the CoS when it grants it to JWs
anyone got a spare £75 million, for a good cause?.
go to the uk charity commission accounts for watchtower bible and tract society of great britain: http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/showcharity/registerofcharities/documentlist.aspx?registeredcharitynumber=1077961&subsidiarynumber=0&doctype=accountlist
now download the accounts for 2017. see page.4 (signed by robert li on p.7, april 2018) .
Interestingly, the Charity Commission UK refused “charity status” to the Church of Scientology.
CoS is not charitable as an organisation established for the advancement of religion because having regard to the relevant law and evidence:
(c) Public benefit arising from the practice of Scientology and/or the purposes of CoS had not been established (section 8, pages 43 to 44 and pages 47 to 48).
CoS is not charitable as an organisation established to promote the moral or spiritual welfare or improvement of the community because having regard to the relevant law and evidence:
(a) The practice of Scientology and the purposes of CoS are not analogous to the legal authorities establishing the moral or spiritual welfare or improvement of the community as a charitable purpose (section 7, pages 26 to 29), and in taking a broader view of the authorities, would not be likely to achieve such a purpose (section 7, pages 30 to 37).
(b) That even were CoS otherwise established for the promotion of the moral or spiritual welfare or improvement of the community, public benefit arising out of the practice of Scientology and/or the purposes of CoS had not been established (section 8, pages 45 to 47 and page 49).
The same principles would eliminate the WTS as a candidate for Charity Status
i have been reading some medical journals on blood transfusions, blood fractions and its components, antibodies, etc.
it's like another language so i find myself researching the medical terms just so i can understand somewhat.
ajwrb.org has been absolutely helpful.
Ask a JW.
Did not Jesus give his blood to save you?
Do not Catholics and Muslims give blood to save you via blood fractions you accept?
Do you not think it it time you rethought what’s more important, the symbol of life, or life itself?