Stinkin’ excellent!!!!
I wish I’d made it.
Stinkin’ excellent!!!!
I wish I’d made it.
this article has come up in my newsfeed on facebook today.
it was posted by a non witness midwife who is up in arms about the girl not being able to choose her own course of treatment in pregnancy.
I haven’t forgot... just busy. But I am working on it...
hi guys, long time without paying a visit to this site.
today i returned to check a 'gossip' that is running around in brazilian exjw forums.. they are stating that is almost certain they will make a big change in their doctrine maybe this year yet in the annual meeting.
they say people in warwick were commenting on this.
If I were running the WTS /JWS I would dump the Watchtower Corporation all together , changing the name of the Publishing part of the organization to JWorg. Publishing
I am fairly sure this will happen. The WT logo at Warwick is tiny, up high on the front edifice. I believe it will just be gone in the night.
this article has come up in my newsfeed on facebook today.
it was posted by a non witness midwife who is up in arms about the girl not being able to choose her own course of treatment in pregnancy.
I will put it together ASAP. I have to work today, but I will use my minutes where I can.
this article has come up in my newsfeed on facebook today.
it was posted by a non witness midwife who is up in arms about the girl not being able to choose her own course of treatment in pregnancy.
Solz, a suggestion. In family worship, you could chose as a discussion the first century GB and talk about Antioch. Read about the men that went down to Antioch to push circumcision. Ask her, “who were these men”? The answer will open her eyes.
Mind you, there will be a certain amount of yelling afterwards as it sinks in who they were. And you will use Watchtower publications to demonstrate it.
Its a banger.
If you want help, I can lay it all out so that you understand it clearly.
its an eye opener
this article has come up in my newsfeed on facebook today.
it was posted by a non witness midwife who is up in arms about the girl not being able to choose her own course of treatment in pregnancy.
Solz.. hang in there dude. I’ll bet my wife was a more staunch JW-GB disciple than your wife, and my wife is a regular here... now.
hi guys, long time without paying a visit to this site.
today i returned to check a 'gossip' that is running around in brazilian exjw forums.. they are stating that is almost certain they will make a big change in their doctrine maybe this year yet in the annual meeting.
they say people in warwick were commenting on this.
Remember 1975... and when you talk to newbies and mention it, they say “we never said 1975...”
The governant boobs will nix 1914 just like they nix’d CTR and in 20 years or less, you will say to newbies something about that date and they will say “we never said anything about 1914...”
businessman felt harassed by jws, so he found that word marks "der wachtturm" and "erwachet!
" (german versions of "the watchtower" and "awake!
The Watchtower’s “2 inch brush” isn’t wide enough to cover this issue.
it's been a long way coming.
after 49 years as a jehovah's witness 3 of which in prison as a conscientious objector under very harsh conditions i have finally disassociated myself.
for the past 2 years, i have been partaking from the emblems and that led to an intense persecution, harassment, online stalking and defamation of character.
There’s no point trying to reason with they who are committed to their slavery to men.
my quora campaign of answering all jw related questions truthfully with evidence is going well.
however, one jw had the audacity to claim that "jws do not shun".
they seem to want to present a fake, squeeky clean image to non-members and seem to get angry when answering questions regarding shunning.. like this asshole, dennis cybulski.
Thus "disfellowshiping" is what Jehovah's Witnesses appropriately call the expelling and subsequent shunning of such an unrepentant wrongdoer." Watchtower 1981 Sep 15 p.22
"… a simple "Hello" to someone can be the first step that develops into a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Would we want to take that first step with a disfellowshiped person?" Watchtower 1981 Sep 15 p.25