There's a lot of discussion here, but myself, I feel action is most important. I conclude with a thought about that.
As far as talk goes, some have suggested that Tony was buying gifts. Hard for me to read that with a straight face.
Others have suggested that he is no different from any of us and 'buying booze' is a nothing event. When I read that, I ask myself, how long has the person who wrote that idea been away from the bOrg. How disconnected that thought is from reality.
People are dead. Others soon to be, because they will turn down a life-saving medical treatment as a result of listening to this "regular guy" Tony.
Regular guy Tony who monthly works to convince 8,000,000+ to do his bidding.
Regular guy Tony who guilts defenceless, trusting children to donate their ice-cream pennies because Jah sees them.
Regular guy Tony who boasts his own super-righteousness in your face and would readily condemn you for doing the exact same thing as he was caught doing.
Is Tony a regular guy, just out shopping?
Could Donald Trump just wander in to a hispanic area one Sunday morning and hire some immigrants for whatever?
Could any living president just slip out for booze?
The governing b's claim to be more than every president, every movie star, every Nobel laureate and every notable contributor to humanity COMBINED. They claim they will sit at the right hand of God Almighty, rewarded for their unparalleled righteousness and put in charge of all the universe.
The governing b's demand control over every aspect of everyone on earth and dictate their whims with threat of the destruction of you and your family's life.
But he's a "regular guy"...
If everyone calls Warwick and asks "where was Tony last Sunday morning", then the buzz will haunt Warwick. There will be no way to keep that quiet. Whispers will turn to open conversations.
Hello Warwick desk, where was Tony last Sunday?