Fulano. Hey, you knew Ferrari?
My wife introduced him to me at a DC away back in the late 90’s.
So, just because you were a mushroom missionary... that didn’t count for nada, and wasn’t used for squat, we should accept your view as the final word?
Really. You think quite a lot of yourself sir.
When you were a missionary did you know the Watchtower partnered with the UN ?
Didn’t even one of your missionary friends tell you?
I suppose I should forget what a very prominent CO related to me in person while sitting at my dinner table, because you said it never happened?A CO who himself served as a missionary...
By the way, I ‘brought into the trooth’ a fella who is presently a missionary.
There are several former missionaries now settled in my area for some time.
I know many missionaries personally.
They are as dumb as sticks. But you talk as if they are some kind of gods...
One thing I know about missionaries, they think a lot of themselves. They believe themselves some kind of special.
I never suggested that ALL missionaries are being loaded with cash, my friend. I am just telling you it is happening. And just because you personally were not invited to participate doesn’t mean a darn thing,