I wonder what Watchtower will do.. oh boy.. I guess they will have to miss out on history.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-jerusalem-finds-are-evidence-of-babylonian-siege-archaeologists-say/ .
I wonder what Watchtower will do.. oh boy.. I guess they will have to miss out on history.
just got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Bottom line. The vigorous selling of Kingdom Halls is antithetical to Watchtology. The org ‘is expanding‘ they are told... but the facts speak a different story.
The selling will have an effect that is quite detrimental to the life of the org.
Psychologically, there will be an impact. Dubs are just people. And people are affected when there is a serious dichotomy.
...As incognito has pointed out.
Contributions will be impacted on several levels. Contributing is done in secret. Dubs will lose some of their pseudo-faith. They will have less heart to dump their hard earned cash in the box. Plus, those who have to drive farther will have less in their pocket due to expenses. Add to that fewer meetings due to age and distance, less opportunity to contribute.
It feeds on itself. It’s like a person that is consuming body fat because of a lack of food.
from john redwood.... a preview of upcoming news:.
jehovah's witnesses are appealing to the supreme court of the united states, but this time it has nothing to do with preaching or saluting the flag.. it's all about child abuse.. specifically, the protection (or cover-up) of information, documents, and testimony of persons involved in cases of child abuse.. i will be covering this story in the coming weeks and months, but i thought i would share some of this news and try to distill it down as simply as i can.. i'd like to point out first that watchower has appealed to the supreme court in connection with their loss of yet another california child abuse case.
the chance that watchtower's appeal being will be heard by the supreme court is slim, but anything is possible.. what brought this about?.
I’d like to see the Sup. Ct. get into the ring with the GB, just to beat the hell out of them.
The gibbering baboons are so full of themselves. They have convinced themselves that because they have won there before, they will win there every time.
But as pointed out by others, this time is different. They are not there fighting for everyone’s right to worship freely. They are there trying to conceal their filthy underbelly.
I hope the SC gives each and every gb a ‘drive angry’ proctological exam.
so there isn't a congregation in my town, they come from the congregation about five miles away about twice a year to do fs.. this morning i was driving out of the town on the country roads and there were four jws (obvious by men with briefcases and women in very long dresses).
they seemed to be walking to the next place, a village about 15 minutes walk away.. why not drive?
they must have left the cars in my town!
My wife and I just finished service. It just so happens that at every one of our calls, there was a YARD SALE.
We picked up a few nice things today, some outside stuff, tools, supplies etc.
Oh and we did our 2hrs.
I forgot to wear a tie though, and I’m not sure if golf shorts are acceptable but that’s what I had on..... anyway.
the international assemblies are on... and the missionaries are coming home... and leaving richer.. i have, in all seriousness, been told by a co that the missionaries going home have large sums of money hidden in their luggage as they go back to their assignments.
he related how one couple was almost caught with the undeclared cash as they passed through customs.. this has been going on for quite some time, the watchtower using missionaries are mules.. i bet with all the kingdumb hall sales the pace has picked up..
Fulano. Your sentiments are appreciated but not necessary. I am not offended.
I just wrote what I felt.
Be happy.
As far as what the CO talked about to us, I was quite surprised. He never spoke to the purpose, but the intention was clearly to take an excessive amount of cash through customs without declaring it.
It is a matter for speculation as to why. My own speculation based on what he said was that they had a definite purpose for the cash. And they didn’t want any interference.
As far as being dumb as sticks. We all got involved In Watchtology. So some lumber upstairs seems to be a universal.
I feel that the deeper into Watchtology one was, the thicker the lumber.
But if we meet a good lumberjack we will be fine.
well here are a few words that the watchtower / jw`s religion frequently use that do not appear in the bible , either , old testament or the new testament.. organization , sovereignty , reinstatement , governing body .. and in the christian greek scriptures ,the kingdom interlinear that the jw`s published themselves , a word for word translation of the greek to english does not contain the name / word jehovah ......nowhere ..
Imagine, a Gobslobbering Boob agreeing that Watchtology is “beyond” the Bible.
And I didn’t even have to fabricate that photo, it’s a direct screenshot from the monthly broadcast,
well here are a few words that the watchtower / jw`s religion frequently use that do not appear in the bible , either , old testament or the new testament.. organization , sovereignty , reinstatement , governing body .. and in the christian greek scriptures ,the kingdom interlinear that the jw`s published themselves , a word for word translation of the greek to english does not contain the name / word jehovah ......nowhere ..
the international assemblies are on... and the missionaries are coming home... and leaving richer.. i have, in all seriousness, been told by a co that the missionaries going home have large sums of money hidden in their luggage as they go back to their assignments.
he related how one couple was almost caught with the undeclared cash as they passed through customs.. this has been going on for quite some time, the watchtower using missionaries are mules.. i bet with all the kingdumb hall sales the pace has picked up..
Fulano. Hey, you knew Ferrari?
My wife introduced him to me at a DC away back in the late 90’s.
So, just because you were a mushroom missionary... that didn’t count for nada, and wasn’t used for squat, we should accept your view as the final word?
Really. You think quite a lot of yourself sir.
When you were a missionary did you know the Watchtower partnered with the UN ?
Didn’t even one of your missionary friends tell you?
I suppose I should forget what a very prominent CO related to me in person while sitting at my dinner table, because you said it never happened?A CO who himself served as a missionary...
By the way, I ‘brought into the trooth’ a fella who is presently a missionary.
There are several former missionaries now settled in my area for some time.
I know many missionaries personally.
They are as dumb as sticks. But you talk as if they are some kind of gods...
One thing I know about missionaries, they think a lot of themselves. They believe themselves some kind of special.
I never suggested that ALL missionaries are being loaded with cash, my friend. I am just telling you it is happening. And just because you personally were not invited to participate doesn’t mean a darn thing,
the international assemblies are on... and the missionaries are coming home... and leaving richer.. i have, in all seriousness, been told by a co that the missionaries going home have large sums of money hidden in their luggage as they go back to their assignments.
he related how one couple was almost caught with the undeclared cash as they passed through customs.. this has been going on for quite some time, the watchtower using missionaries are mules.. i bet with all the kingdumb hall sales the pace has picked up..
Let’s see.
The Watchtower Society sent representatives to the United Nations with the intention of partnering with them behind the backs of 7,000,000 followers.
The Watchtower Society wrote and printed on their printing presses, articles praising the United Nations and its programs.
They distributed these articles to every single of the 7,000,000 followers at the time and told them to read them all lest they lose salvation.
They directed that all 7,000,000 followers present these articles to everyone on Earth (if they could).
They then submitted these articles to the United Nations via their Department of Public Information at 801 First Ave, NY,NY to deceive them.
They deceived the United Nations into believing that the Watchtower was their friend.
They repeated this yearly for a decade until it was discovered and revealed by a reporter at The Guardian UK.
They had their PR dude, Paul Gilles fabricate a letter to the editor of The Guardian and were told they were liars by the reporter Stephen Bates.
They lied to and continue to lie to all 8,000,000 adherents.
They disfellowship anyone who finds out and talks about it, destroying families, till this day.
But it’s unbelievable that they might direct a missionary to bring a wad of cash home with them because some “accountant” ...going on about “money laundering”, which by the way was never suggested, said so?.?.?...
the international assemblies are on... and the missionaries are coming home... and leaving richer.. i have, in all seriousness, been told by a co that the missionaries going home have large sums of money hidden in their luggage as they go back to their assignments.
he related how one couple was almost caught with the undeclared cash as they passed through customs.. this has been going on for quite some time, the watchtower using missionaries are mules.. i bet with all the kingdumb hall sales the pace has picked up..
Jeff t
You are disinclined to believe what?
Are you suggesting that I made the whole thing up? That there was really no CO who related the account of a couple of missionaries who failed to declare a large sum of cash they were taking out of the country?
Its a false narrative because your imagination is too narrow?