Thank you. Now THAT is meaningful research.
It might turn out that the group is not JWs at all, maybe a group building bombs for all we know.
The Watchtower will latch on to anything, until they’re caught.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Thank you. Now THAT is meaningful research.
It might turn out that the group is not JWs at all, maybe a group building bombs for all we know.
The Watchtower will latch on to anything, until they’re caught.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
I can certify it...Case closed,
Corney thinks he’s ‘the man’
2. Watchtower had no motive to fake the video
Really, now that’s a gas. Like they have never faked anything or lied. bIG lies.
But no motive..? I think we can come up with a few LOL
As to the blurred faces, to protect police
Another gasser...! The blurred faces are the dubs, not the police.
You get gassier with every line.
The only thing that’s “closed” is Corneys mind.the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
More proof of persecution against poor little JW widows and orphans.
Raids on Kingdum halls are spreading.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Oh mea Kulpa, corney was right. Here’s the proof.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Unable to address my arguments on the merits,
Your ‘arguments’ have no merits. Just refried Watchtower beans.
you've responded with a baseless accusation of lying and a smear.
Who’s smearing? Let’s take a smattering of your posts, just on this thread.
...possessed by hatred
....moronic, hysterical post
...ridiculous and pathetic.
...blinded by hate;
...stupid questions
...That's pathetic.
When one’s questions are greeted by this kind of response, when one’s ‘questions’ are labeled as stupid and the process of discovery is painted as evil, then one is getting closer to the truth.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Corney isn’t interested in the truth. Corney is interested in Watchtower.
I attacked the video on its merits.
I attacked the Watchtower, because it deserves to be attacked.
Corney tried to derail the conversation, saying “poor little old JW widow” ...”how can you beat her”
Nobody ever said that JWs weren’t getting clobbered in Russia. But Corney tried to turn it into that.
Now that’s the devil.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
You "know" that Watchtower created this video just to use a single screenshot.
Everyone can read what I said, and I didn’t say what I quote YOU attribute to me.
The whole board can see you spinning.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Mad Irishman.
For sure you’re “mad”.
In your madness, you didn’t read a damned thing.
Are the dubs under pressure in Russia? Sure. Nobody’s questioning that.
MI, you are off your rocker.
You missed the entire point. You are out in left field.
And you are immature to the max.
Name calling.
Grow up.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
We know for a fact, as you discuss, that WT makes all these fake videos.
We know for a fact that they have been nailed fabricating other stuff, in books for instance.
The Tower, or even locals, could have started out with the intent of making a demonstration of happenings, or even just a fake, for insiders and then it got out of hand.
And the Russians picked up on it, and put it up to demonstrate the Watchtower’s evil.
Until someone who speaks Russian can decode the whole thing, we don’t know the whole story.
I for one refuse to just go along with the flow. I don’t accept being fed crap. I question.
For now, I go with what my eyes tell me, this video is poorly staged trash.
Are the dubs under pressure in Russia? Sure. Nobody’s questioning that.
But I won’t accept what I see as a fraud just so that some Watchtowerite reader here can ‘feel the love’...
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Blues brothers
Fair comment, but... can you read Russian?
And I did “look carefully “...
The words at the right of the picture are put there by Watchtower. The “picture” is just a screenshot from the video. Did you check that?
Blues, “checking carefully “ is for all of us.
As far as the video, I would like someone to offer proof that that vide was shot by the Russian authorities and that those are actually officers behind those balaclavas.
For all we know, that video was concocted by Watchtower, and the Russian site put it up there to show how far Watchtower will go in production of false information about the Russian State.