When you consider the fools in power in the government, are we surprised there are fools in the judiciary?
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
Montana News
by AuntBee inhttps://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/montana/articles/2020-01-08/court-reverses-35m-verdict-against-jehovahs-witnesses.
Churches criticized for accepting donations via credit card- W75 11/1
by krismalone inthe phrase “pray now, pay later” appeared in a headline of the philadelphia “inquirer” in reporting on a church experiment due to go into effect shortly.
a group of ten u.s. religions, including some major lutheran, episcopal, methodist and baptist denominations, have decided to try church collections by credit card.w75 11/1 p. 651 - the watchtower—1975.
Insight on the News
“Pray Now, Pay Later”
● The phrase “pray now, pay later” appeared in a headline of the Philadelphia “Inquirer” in reporting on a church experiment due to go into effect shortly. A group of ten U.S. religions, including some major Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist and Baptist denominations, have decided to try church collections by credit card. The experiment, sponsored by the National Council of Churches, will encourage participating church members to authorize credit-card transfers of a specified contribution to their church each month. The idea, a Council spokesman says, is that “this will provide the local church with regular income whether or not the local congregation is in attendance,” especially in “off-seasons,” like summer vacation time. The report on the experiment says that those joining the program will be “giving unto business what belongs to business—a profit.” How so? “Participating banks will charge 65 cents a transaction, and the credit card companies will rake off 3 percent of every donation.” Obviously someone benefits, but how much spiritual benefit is the modern churchgoer getting?
Churches criticized for accepting donations via credit card- W75 11/1
by krismalone inthe phrase “pray now, pay later” appeared in a headline of the philadelphia “inquirer” in reporting on a church experiment due to go into effect shortly.
a group of ten u.s. religions, including some major lutheran, episcopal, methodist and baptist denominations, have decided to try church collections by credit card.w75 11/1 p. 651 - the watchtower—1975.
w71 8/15 p. 505
Certain clergymen in the New York area are very businesslike about the matter. They send out monthly statements to their parishioners reminding them of the amount they owe their church. And one Congregational preacher in Vermont was reported in the press as having installed a credit-card machine inside the front door for those who would prefer to contribute by this means. Ever so many churches either require or encourage their members to tithe, that is, to give to their church a tenth of their income.
What was the retirement plans you heard brothers talk about if any
by JimmyYoung ini know some would not think about retirement.
i had one brother who would pioneer as he could afford and when he paid off his home he was about to collect social security.
he made enough that his plan was to work two to three days a week and pioneer the rest of the week.
Re: iwantoutnow
5 hours ago
I saved almost nothing...
And I spent my life as an UBER JW.I am 100% totally !
iwant, I can empathize. I have a PIMi friend with two kids pushing on to college soon. You sound like him, only he’s still flagellating himself with the watchtower stick.
I have tried to drop hints to him, to make him think. I don’t think it helped.
I don’t have advice for you. Only a prayer.
What was the retirement plans you heard brothers talk about if any
by JimmyYoung ini know some would not think about retirement.
i had one brother who would pioneer as he could afford and when he paid off his home he was about to collect social security.
he made enough that his plan was to work two to three days a week and pioneer the rest of the week.
At the same time that I was meeting and married my wife 30 years ago, I was waking up. I had been sending letters to Brooklyn, questioning doctrine, and through the process I eventually realized WTBTS was all balogna.
I was taught, through my upbringing and the example of my dad, financial prudence. He was a union tradesman. So was his father, my grand dad. So, I always had in my mind a full time job with benefits, regardless of WT BS.
I did secure my trade, and a union job, same one my dad and gran dad had. And my wife eventually opened her eyes. We have a few houses, a fat bank account thanks to not putting a single penny in the contribution box for the last three decades, and a defined benefit (dinosaur) pension, last of its kind.
I helped my wife get some fine education, better late than never, and she has work history, and some pension coming to her also.
My kid went to the U. Got a good ticket, and a high paying job.
We did ok.
... still pimo, but ok.
Actually, I am more a scab than pimo. (So Called Apostate Brother) as I have been active against the Borg from within.
BUT.. it’s not all so peachy for the others of my demographic. The top dog, for example, on our ‘body’ is at a crossroads. He saved next to nothing, he’s old and still working (gasp) as he and Mrs COBE can’t retire. He’s a good example of what I call ‘life implosion’.
I have learned, over the years, that when the dollars stop making sense, things begin to happen. That’s where the buck stops. And the buck is about to stop big time.
For those of you who follow the financial markets, you already know what I am going to say. One poster up the board touched on it.
The US markets are in freaking LaLa land. The cherry on the top of that pile of dung is the repo markets. This is where 1929 and 2008 begins and ends. And the FED has the repo markets on life support and pain killers to the tune of billions per month. Else, the US banking system implodes, lending dries up, margins and mortgages get called.
That my friends, is the proverbial shit hitting the fan. The markets, well they go pop as a consequence of credit dying. The world lives on credit.
And that is where the buck will stop for not just the lowly dubs who haven’t two shekels to rub together. That is where Watchtology stumbles and falls.
How far off, well there’s estimates, and lately, there’s been hedge funds putting their money where their mouth is. I cannot envision an avoidance of financial tumult beyond 2020. Fun fact, the US economy grew 2 percent during the last four quarters, but credit grew TEN percent during the same time.
Its been all well and good for the dubs, they have been able to play their games, pioneering on a shoe string etc. through the last few decades, but the chickens are coming home to roost. Money is drying up fast.
2020 will be an interesting year, for those who have a few drachmas.
For those with an empty purse, not so much.
Listen to old Rutherford talks
by lastmanstanding inhttps://archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3a%22j.f.+rutherford%22&and%5b%5d=mediatype%3a%22audio%22.
and much more.. if, for instance, you wan to find out more about what is in the book “studies in the scriptures” and you would like to search it, here is a sample search using the word “babylon”, https://archive.org/details/studies_in_the_scriptures_volume4/page/n193.
And much more.
If, for instance, you wan to find out more about what is in the book “Studies in the Scriptures” and you would like to search it, here is a sample search using the word “Babylon”, https://archive.org/details/studies_in_the_scriptures_volume4/page/n193
Did The Witnesses Predict the United Nations in Advance?
by TD init's been reported on this forum that bethel speakers at this summer's conventions are asserting that the establishment of the united nations in 1945 was predicted in advance by the witnesses.
this is being presented as validation of the claim that the witnesses are god's one true organization directed by holy spirit.. .
the basis for this claim originates with a public address entitled, peace - can it last given by n.h. knorr at the new world theocratic assembly, on september 20 of 1942. .
Why read the brochure when you can hear the talk.
NBC NEWS: Man who raped Jehovah's Witness girls sentenced to 5 years in prison
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-who-raped-jehovah-s-witness-girls-sentenced-5-years-n1082136.
man who raped jehovah's witness girls sentenced to 5 years in prison .
"it’s finally over.
“ Rodriguez eh... huh huh huh... well my name is BUBBA..”
Overlapping Generation
by pandorasbox1914 inthe september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
"Jesus was obviously speaking about...”
-So obvious in 1968. What rubbish.
“How, then, are we to understand Jesus’ words about “this generation”? He evidently meant ...”
-evidently means from evidence. What evidence does the gibbering buffoons offer?
are the witnesses now considered "clergy " ?
by lancelink inyears ago when i was a jw, one of their cornerstone teachings was that they were nothing like babylon the great.
i remember being taught that the witnesses not using any type of clergy class distinction was proof that they had the right religion.. well, recently we had this article in the local paper, and an elder who was no doubt the presiding overseer tried to use the clergy class excuse to get out of answering questions regarding a child abuse case.
here is the statement that really got to me.
Watchtower has always desired to be Clergy.
Check the articles, they always say that they have no “PAID clergy”
Remember the caveat.