Interestingly, Germany does not participate in the International Patent Treaty. So, if the businessman were to have been able to defend his position at all, it would have stayed in Germany and gone no farther. Unless of course he was willing to pony up the cash and go international. Get your passport and chequebook.
I can’t read the articles, but “48” basically says that the businessman volunteered to abandon it to Watchtology. I would wonder the circumstances, as the “beef” would not have been with the businessman but rather with the German patent and trademark office.
If it’s felt that the trademark was not registered in good faith, ie the Watchtology position, then they would have to challenge the German office in court. The Watchtology position would be that the a German office was the crimer, not the businessman.
It takes bucks to defend your position, and when you patent something or register a trademark, you have to police it yourself and take legal action to enforce your position...., yourself. You have to continually look for infringement and take the appropriate action through the courts. Nobody does this for you.
So, Watchtology cannot sue businessman. Watchtology could only challenge the German office. If their challenge failed and the registration held, then it still takes businessman to sue Watchtology.
And we all know that Watchtology will spend every donated Kingdom dollar on Satan’s Lawyers and then beg for more money to do it still longer in front of stupid judges in stupid courts.