Since you are too lazy to go read it, I will cut from the OP and paste it here.
“In Germany every man is a soldier; and what wonderful soldiers they seem to be:… military methods extending into every department of life, business, etc. And, by the way, we experienced quite a change of view with reference to this matter of German military influence. We had heretofore considered as an almost unmixed evil the taking of hundreds of thousands of men from the tilling of the soil to spend four years each in the prime of life in military service; but now we see another side to the question.”
CTR admits he was wrong when he dissed the German military machine in the past. When once they thought the German military was “unmixed evil”, CTR now writes,
“… it has been the greatest and most rapid educator of the men of that nation, and thus, under divine providence, an instrumentality for awakening the world and preparing for the great change of dispensation about to be inaugurated.”
Do you not see, like everyone else can plainly read, that CTR writes that the German military UNDER DIVINE PROVIDENCE... PREPARING FOR THE ....DISPENSATION
Can you not read that CTR had a change of heart? ... that he contrasts his original thinking, that the German military was evil, with his new light, that it’s under DIVINE PROVIDENCE?
Imagine, the German army was “divine providence” and was part of the “dispensation” !
But you want us to not read that.
But alas, CTR does not stop there. He goes on to say that the German military is better that college.
But let’s see, you can’t see that.... LOL get some glasses. BTW, you can take your blogspot and sit on it. Maybe it’ll hatch new light.
I on the other hand, will stick to verifiable photos of the original Watchtower
“It has taken sleepy, thoughtless boys from the farm and has waked them up and educated them, often to far more practical benefit than four years of a college course would have done. As a result, one seldom meets a stupid German.”