Sorry Barb. I can’t read it. Somehow my eyes can’t focus on propaganda paid for by Watchtower Fable & Crap Corp
We will see an increase in the amount of propaganda paid for by Watchtower.
That’s what this is.
what is it like to be a jehovah’s witness family living in ireland?.
adherence to biblical strictures provides a solid base in an increasingly secular society.
Sorry Barb. I can’t read it. Somehow my eyes can’t focus on propaganda paid for by Watchtower Fable & Crap Corp
We will see an increase in the amount of propaganda paid for by Watchtower.
That’s what this is.
so tonight i'm going to be having a chat with my brother and hes asked me what my thought are on the above question.. i could be wrong with what im about to say but i do think the door to door ministry is one thing they are doing right.
i think the cart work on the other hand is wrong.
just today i saw two sisters sat next to their cart with people going by.
The point in the video was nicely made, that within these verses there is an obvious contrast drawn between the public and private activities of the early Christians.
One says “salt and pepper”.
One does not say ‘salt and salt’... or ‘pepper and pepper’ ....unless one is a moron.
from what i understand, a letter was read this past week in regards to congregation reassignments and that the elders want to meet with people at their homes to tell them where they have been reassigned.
obviously, this would be due to the merging and dissolution of congregations.
can anyone confirm this?.
This is a sign! The “woman” is said to have “contractions” just prior to the birth of something or other. I can’t recall the teaching...
We can clearly see “contractions” and they are certainly painful. It must mean something!!! my daily sweep of the web for interesting jw articles, the above link popped up.the report is probably propped up by a stream of watchtower propaganda publicity releases to the media.but what struck me was the comments below the article.. give it read and join in if you feel moved..
The watchtower played with fire and got burned. Nuff said.
beccah hendrickson of wgal comes thru again!
a fabulous interview with barbara anderson, all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together!
watch out watchtower!
The office of the attorney general’s office was contacted regarding the allegations of a Watchtower coverup of child sex abuse within the Jehovah’s Witness religion and we received the reply ...“We don’t intend to do a damned thing about it. We don’t think child sex abuse is really a big thing. So what ...a few kids we’re involved in a little but of fun. It’s not really a big thing.”
Lets hope that one day, the authorities start taking the issue seriously. Until then, Watchtower can go on abusing with impunity.
this post is for the lurking dub.
the pimc (physically in, mentally confused) lurker dub.
the guy who reads the watchtower stuff and scratches his head, sure something is amiss but not sure of what’s really happening.. it may also be of some interest to those curious of the nuts and bolts of watchtower’s methods of scripture twisting.. in tonight’s “digging for spiritual gems: (8 min.
Good point steve 2
I would like to, and I might, ask a JW “what would the Society say if somebody today was found performing miracles in the name of Jesus? We’re taking real, verifiable, guy had no legs and now he does, miracle. Not the Jimmy Swaggart kind.
I am willing to bet that any and all dubs would say “it’s fake” or “it’s from Satan”. And if it happened in front of them such that the “fake” alternative was taken away, they would still insist on the “Satan” alternative.
And in the end, if Jesus again walked the Earth, doing exactly as the first time, they would spit in his face.
this post is for the lurking dub.
the pimc (physically in, mentally confused) lurker dub.
the guy who reads the watchtower stuff and scratches his head, sure something is amiss but not sure of what’s really happening.. it may also be of some interest to those curious of the nuts and bolts of watchtower’s methods of scripture twisting.. in tonight’s “digging for spiritual gems: (8 min.
Days of future past. I posted and went to bed, and as I dozed off, I thought about the 70. I thought ‘yeah, I should have mentioned that’... good job!
Waton and silly girl, you are right on the money.
sadelder, luv ur sarc.
wakeme, it works. I was PIMP from before I was baptized until I contacted Ray Franz. His books took me from PIMP to SCAB. (So Called Apostate Brother)
this post is for the lurking dub.
the pimc (physically in, mentally confused) lurker dub.
the guy who reads the watchtower stuff and scratches his head, sure something is amiss but not sure of what’s really happening.. it may also be of some interest to those curious of the nuts and bolts of watchtower’s methods of scripture twisting.. in tonight’s “digging for spiritual gems: (8 min.
This post is for the lurking dub. The PIMC (physically in, mentally confused) lurker dub. The guy who reads the Watchtower stuff and scratches his head, sure something is amiss but not sure of what’s really happening.
It may also be of some interest to those curious of the nuts and bolts of Watchtower’s methods of scripture twisting.
In tonight’s “Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)”, there is a point that demonstrates that the dubs in the pew are totally and completely devoid of reason. They are mentally asleep. This can be seen by the Watchtower’s commentary, as well as the comments of the dubs, including by chance our CO.
They pride themselves as being learned in the Scriptures and being teachers of it, yet they understand nothing.
The “gem” is as follows.
Lu 9:49, 50—Why did Jesus not prevent a man from expelling demons, even though the man was not following him? (w08 3/15 31 ¶2)
The biblical text under consideration from the “gem” is as follows, taken from the NWT.
49 In response John said: “Instructor, we saw someone expelling demons by using your name, and we tried to prevent him, because he is not following with us.”
50 But Jesus said to him: “Do not try to prevent him, for whoever is not against you is for you.”
Why indeed did Jesus not stop the man? Conversely, it could also be asked ‘why would he want to?’
I’ve included at bottom the Watchtower’s explanation, but I will summarize to save readers the trouble of reading it. The Watchtower says, in summary, that Jesus didn’t stop him because there was no congregation yet, the inference being that there was no Organization yet to tell him what he could or couldn’t do.
First, the fact is that the Bible verse quoted shows clearly the real reason why Jesus told his followers not to interfere with the man. Jesus set the principle “...whoever is not against you is for you.” Very simple.
And the disciples who tried to stop the man weren’t using their brains.
The man, if he was proving successful, obviously had the blessing of God Almighty. The Holy Spirit is not a talisman that one would pick up on the street, pass a string through and tie around one’s neck, then illegitimately use.
It is the finger of God. If it did anything, it was because God intended it to be so.
Why, in fact, would you desire to stop somebody from working towards the same goal that you work for? Only pride, thinking that “we haven’t given him OUR permission to do this work.” This prideful attitude was the very same reason the Jewish leaders hated Jesus, -Jesus didn’t seek their permission. As if He needed it. As if God, and the Holy Spirit needed a man’s permission to work miracles.
The CO chimed in with the mantra... “we see order, order, order and organization” and where the actual words attributed to Jesus teach that there is no need for an ‘Organization’ of any sort, The Watchtower text turns it into the complete opposite, even more thoroughly with the help of an Uber Elder or CO.
Thick as a brick.
(w08 3/15 31 ¶2)
9:49, 50—Why did Jesus not prevent a man from expelling demons, even though the man was not following him? Jesus did not prevent the man because the Christian congregation had not yet been formed. Hence, it was not required that the man physically accompany Jesus in order to exercise faith in Jesus’ name and expel demons.—Mark 9:38-40.Lessons for Us:1:32, 33; 2:19, 51. Mary preserved in her heart the events and sayings that fulfilled prophecies. Do we treasure
oh the money.. this years rc gave me a thought as i watched the money pour in.. at the circuit assemblies, the one dayers now, the “deficit” has been announced and the dubs expected to “rise to the occasion” with their cash.
we all thought that dubs, eventually, would do the math and see that the watchtower boys were charging a per-head fee.
we thought that this would make them think, and they would see the money grubbing.
Too late for this year, as the conventions are now history. But coming up to next year, I will buy a hi def cam that I can hide, and I will get “the procession” footage at our convention.
Needless to say, the GB (Gas Bags) have their minions reading here, so they will be on the watch. But that’s not a deterrent, just a hurdle.
oh the money.. this years rc gave me a thought as i watched the money pour in.. at the circuit assemblies, the one dayers now, the “deficit” has been announced and the dubs expected to “rise to the occasion” with their cash.
we all thought that dubs, eventually, would do the math and see that the watchtower boys were charging a per-head fee.
we thought that this would make them think, and they would see the money grubbing.
I like it !!
The title of the video “No Collections”