Longhair girl
The congregations are going to be hotbeds of misery and trouble.
That’s one of the best stand alone statements I’ve heard in a while.
i posted this before, but my wife is upset and not handling it well.
her mother has alzheimer and is in a care facility for the rest of her life.
between medicare and caid she is paid for the care.
Longhair girl
The congregations are going to be hotbeds of misery and trouble.
That’s one of the best stand alone statements I’ve heard in a while.
i recently was on a job with the cobe and i would like to relate this experience.
it goes to show how unthink these zombies have become.. during working, the cobe asks me “did you see that couple that died in the eritrean prison, the brother and his wife?”.
i replied that i had not seen anything like that.
Now, next story, I was working with Br Zombie COBE and his zombie wife in field service.
Sister zombie gets out of the car same time as me and asks how I’ve been and I give her the line, to which she replies (in a whisper tone so that sister was-a-pioneer a few feet away can’t hear), “I hate service... I never liked it... it’s too hard”.
Just 30 minutes later at the coffee shop, with her husband Br zombie COBE sitting across the table, she says loudly “what a wonderful day in service “
There’s no helping this lot.
i recently was on a job with the cobe and i would like to relate this experience.
it goes to show how unthink these zombies have become.. during working, the cobe asks me “did you see that couple that died in the eritrean prison, the brother and his wife?”.
i replied that i had not seen anything like that.
I recently was on a job with the COBE and I would like to relate this experience. It goes to show how unthink these zombies have become.
During working, the COBE asks me “Did you see that couple that died in the Eritrean prison, the brother and his wife?”
I replied that I had not seen anything like that. He went on more about how “the sister too”, not just the brother, had perished in prison.
I think in his puny unthinking skull nut it was like Romeo and Juliet.
In any case, during lunch, I looked it up.
(Don’t click the link directly or it will take you from here to there and announce your visit. Do a copy etc.)
... as you will see, the story is NOT about a brother and his wife imprisoned till death, but rather it was about two brothers, probably elders both.
It seems Elder Unthink only looks at the picture and reads the headline and the rest of the story his puny skull nut fills in accordance to his superstitious needs.
After lunch I announced that had read the article about “the two brothers in Eritrea who passed in prison”.
He objected! No, he exclaimed, a brother and his wife.!!!
It was completely obvious that he had not read the story but was just trying to sound smart and spiritual and holy.
Anyway, I explained the article and that the photo was of one of the brothers with his wife, and the other brother and his wife was pictured down the article farther. But that only brothers were inprisoned.
You cannot help these people. Better to not try.
figures from that latest 2-weekend convention in caridff (wales) reveal jw “growth” now in decline.
baptisms are discouragingly low (21, combined), and circuit overseers have been primed to deal with assemblies where there are no baptisms; see these leaked 2018 instructions:.
pdf summary: https://1drv.ms/b/s!arekzxkzlp8ybsl45pov7y6k26a.
Maybe the GB (goof balls) can designate the first 20 rows at RCs to be filled, end to end, with inflatable publishers. LOL
Then they can have a part that brags about the newly interested ones.
anyone have s 147 for august?.
rumors about big announcement.. any hear about that..
“A new loving provision from Jayhovah, the new tithing program. Elders will begin visiting each publisher in their own home to lovingly assist every one to determine the proper monthly gift to Jayhovah. What a loving provision this loving provision is, do we not agree.”
my little bethel bird has whispered in my ear some encouraging news.
it has been reported to the canadian branch that some witnesses doing cart work had police stop them from carting in public parks.
the direction sent to the southern ontario congregations is to cease carting until further notice.. this is no joke.. have a jw-free day..
Starry night
way to go... I’m dying here... falling off my crutches
my little bethel bird has whispered in my ear some encouraging news.
it has been reported to the canadian branch that some witnesses doing cart work had police stop them from carting in public parks.
the direction sent to the southern ontario congregations is to cease carting until further notice.. this is no joke.. have a jw-free day..
I kinda think along the same lines. They changed for the sake of change. They are dying and the “DO SOMETHING” adrenaline has kicked in. They wanted to change the scenery to make it appear that the glorious heavenly cart of Jah is moving..... >
In the end, I don’t know how anyone could do the cart work without feeling like a freaking street beggar.
Just a thought... I challenge the posters with a good grasp of photo editing to take a pic of street beggars and shove in a literature cart LOL
i just 'phoned britain branch and asked to speak to someone in the public information department.
it looks like the days of questioning the branch over the 'phone are a thing of the past.. here is the substance of my conversation with the sister who answered the telephone:.
operator: "what sort of information, please - is it a legal question or an accounting or construction question?".
I think the main point is, you should be able to call up and ask one simple question that they MUST be able to answer.
my little bethel bird has whispered in my ear some encouraging news.
it has been reported to the canadian branch that some witnesses doing cart work had police stop them from carting in public parks.
the direction sent to the southern ontario congregations is to cease carting until further notice.. this is no joke.. have a jw-free day..
When I was in NY, year before last, the carts were out, so I’m not surprised to hear that nothings changed.
But there are definitely some communities that are fed up with the carts and there are dubs who are tired of it already.
my little bethel bird has whispered in my ear some encouraging news.
it has been reported to the canadian branch that some witnesses doing cart work had police stop them from carting in public parks.
the direction sent to the southern ontario congregations is to cease carting until further notice.. this is no joke.. have a jw-free day..
Me thinks you’re right. I recall something like that.
But I got the idea from the devil’s drawing in a past WT article that had 1st cent christians going door to door with a bag of scrolls.
Haha... I thought, like everyone has scrolls. And Ferrari’s too.