Was there any partakers after injun man? I mean, would a holierthanmost want to share the chalice with the likes of that dude?
Blood brothers....
2 congregations met together attendance 355 which is close to exact number of combined publishers.
only saw a couple of new faces.
so it looks like once again the invitation work was a complete failure and relatives of jw's couldn't be talked into coming anymore!.
Was there any partakers after injun man? I mean, would a holierthanmost want to share the chalice with the likes of that dude?
Blood brothers....
Well, after 100 years of passing them damned glasses, I wanted to drink. Of course, there was no wine around, but I drank from the chalice anyhow. Then I drank from all the others.
Can you think of a better way to amuse yourself at the ‘most holy night’...?
I had the inside track at the boremorial this year, got a good laugh.
After all, isn’t the whole show about passing your germs around?
Its easy when you have full access to everything. Practically.
Elder boob is a boob, he does not think. He tries as hard as he can to unthink. He is selfish and so is his wife. I have no sympathy for them.
PS. I wanted to lick all the plates. But I wasn’t sure they were clean.
Hahahaha still in,, I could see it in my mind.
They do the chicken dance at the front of the hall, I’ve had to participate in it myself, where, after having their grubby hands all over the cup and saucer.... they gotta sit down and be handed it one more time.
Its like their ass is telling them, “hey, I gotta be on a chair for the everlasting life to flow through “...
Haha.. I can tell the board this, now that my significant other knows.
I started my own Memorial tradition this year.
I slobbered all over every one of the glasses to be used.
They were clean, they tasted clean, every one. As the slobbered glasses went around, as the slobbered glass was handed to me, I chuckled.
Hahaha I slobbered the shun.
As usual, I am asked to do something, (not serving this year) and as such being the case, I am seated by myself. This means that the cup‘n saucer gotta be dragged to me separately. This provides an interesting opportunity.
Now, in the past, I used this opportunity to shun the shun.
What I mean is, when the plate was offered to me, when the opportunity to shun the body of Christ was presented to me, I held up my hand and said “thanks” in a whispering undertone, shunning the shun, not reaching out to touch the superstitional object. (new word).
The last time I did this, the elder was freaking out. Unless I reached forward to touch the edge of the saucer, just brush it gently, he wasn’t moving on. He had a visible reaction. I thought he was going to stroke. So I touched it ever so slightly.
This year, I didn’t do this, because I think they are watching.
But the hocus poKus can be seen in the elder’s emblem chicken dance.
The elder walks up to me, reaches out his right hand with the glass, I slowly reach for the glass, allow it to unweight from his right hand, he withdraws his right hand, pivots his body, extending his left hand, like he was dancing, and takes the glass with his left hand.
Now, it’s easy to understand why elder boob did thusly. He felt stupid giving and getting with the same hand. He could sense the foolishness of it, but more, he for that moment, could feel the idolizing of the glass. His hand was telling him.
So, to quiet the message from his right hand, he put it away, and used his left. He was trying to give meaning to a moment in time, meaning where there was none.
For that second in time, elder boob felt like he was ‘playing tea time’ with a 4 year old girl in a treehouse. He felt foolish. So, in a vain effort to feel less stupid, he did the emblem chicken dance.
saturday, april 20. keep proclaiming the death of the lord, until he comes.—1 cor.
11:26.. regarding the great tribulation just ahead of us, jesus said: “they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
and [jesus] will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together.” (matt.
Remember when Russel and his disciples gathered on the roof of bethel to be raptured?
We need to convince the gibbering blatherheads that Russel had the right idea, but failed because they didn’t understand the mechanics of Rapture.
Proper rapture can only be achieved with the necessary velocity, a lot like in the movie Back to the Future. You gotta be going fast enough to Get Back to the Kingdom.
How is this achieved? Minimum Rapture Velocity (mrv) is 9.8ms^2, not dependent on direction. Taking into account the height of Warwick’s tallest structure, all the GB needs to do is jump.
the talk outline issued the usual warning - only those mentioned in revelation 14:1 are allowed to partake of the bread & wine.. revelation 14:1 - then i saw, and look!
the lamb standing on mount zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his father written on their foreheads.
for active/fading jw's - did your bible reasoning/logic/instincts tell you that the following interpretation makes sense, or did you simply surrender your thinking abilities to others who claimed to be better informed than you?.
After the dog and pony show, the elders, with all enthusiasm, went about collecting the data. Yes, the holy data, how many spectators did we have, indeed.
And I believe the branch is on pins and needles, awaiting the holy data, to collate into the Uber holy data. It must feel like a US election, red states, blue states.
They should have a poll, “how many do you think will attend the most holy night”. Dubs could chime in and JW .org could have running commentary.
As usual, it’s all about the numbers. JW numerology.
I imagine a select bethel elder, marching gleefully down the hallway towards the gibbering baboon’s sanctum, holding a silver tray with a sealed envelope on it to present the holy numerology.
probably not a popular opinion on here....and haven't been actively attending meetings since 1988....(i know i know a submarine attender) however thoroughly enjoyed attending this evening...was good to see lots of people i remember whilst growing up in this faith, they were genuine and the whole atmosphere was one of love.
sure if i suddenly wanted to become active again and didn't change my lifestyle they would drop me like a bomb.....however i haven't and won't and they didn't and don't.
this works for me.. i cannot demonize the witnesses on what i have seen tonight.
For he who says he enjoyed the memorial, I tell you this.
They appealed to your vanity, and you fell in to the pit they dug.
If you cared anything about Christ or his sacrifice, then you should have paid attention to what was said.
The outline uses 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. They could have used the Gospels, but that wouldn’t have lent well to Watchtower apostasy.
The part in bold was omitted from the scripture reading. Can you tell us why?
23 For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night on which he was going to be betrayed took a loaf, 24 and after giving thanks, he broke it and said: “This means my body, which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” 25 He did the same with the cup also, after they had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he comes.
Bottom line, Jehovah’s Witnesses proclaim not the Christ, but themselves. And if the dub lovers wanted to test the sincerity of the “love” they received, then they had but to point this out at the most holy watchtower night.
probably not a popular opinion on here....and haven't been actively attending meetings since 1988....(i know i know a submarine attender) however thoroughly enjoyed attending this evening...was good to see lots of people i remember whilst growing up in this faith, they were genuine and the whole atmosphere was one of love.
sure if i suddenly wanted to become active again and didn't change my lifestyle they would drop me like a bomb.....however i haven't and won't and they didn't and don't.
this works for me.. i cannot demonize the witnesses on what i have seen tonight.
Ah. Genuine love... LOL
Ask something, ask about the watchtower affiliation with the UN, ask about fat Tony at the liquor store... phtttt love gone
hey folks, .
it’s been a long time since i’ve posted, good to see the forum well attended & spicy as ever.
this just in from a close & trusted source, names & local places redacted for obvious reasons:.
This is interesting. I recently had BIG surgery and I consented to a transfusion if needed to save my life. At the hospital, there was a JW nurse and I successfully avoided any contact with him, but by a hair. I had to discharge kinda early to avoid him.
Now, I had several conversations with another nurse, and this ‘worldly’ nurse said he knew the dub nurse for a long time, and that the dub nurse gave transfusions all the time.
So, it will be interesting to see this play out.