I remember the BS. I was not quite 10 when this article was published. It screwed up my life.
Education was condemned. The article suggests that a “trade” would be the way to go. The article suggests that ‘since 4-6 years is too long a time’ to spend in learning, as the end was only a few years off, that young dubs should get a trade instead.
Sure, to get a trade, you just fire a dime into the bubblegum machine and you might get a trade come out. It takes 5 minutes.
These stupid morons at Watchtower had no idea.
I finally did get a trade. I will retire in a few more years.
To get a trade takes 9000 hours. Usually 5 years. You have to work full time, usually overtime too, and alongside “worldly people” ...achhhH!
How is that any different than going to University? It’s not shorter! You still spend all your time at it!
Oh... the governing bimbos meant become a window cleaner or a painter.
Thats not a freaking trade.