Good comments all. I’m sure Barb is prepping to post soon.
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
Watchtower appeals in Montana.
by lastmanstanding ini won’t steal barb’s thunder, but has anyone had a chance to peruse the appeal that watchtower launched yesterday?.
watchtower’s main argument is that stuff was said in confidence with confidentiality surrounding that confidence and they are confident that clergy confidentiality which is in confidence is confidential.. in short, it ‘was a secret and should stay a secret.’.
omg.. and watchtower claims that this verdict “violates the constitution of the usa”.. i wish the jury could tack on another $50m and include watchtower lawyers are to be hanged.. i just had to say something.
Watchtower appeals in Montana.
by lastmanstanding ini won’t steal barb’s thunder, but has anyone had a chance to peruse the appeal that watchtower launched yesterday?.
watchtower’s main argument is that stuff was said in confidence with confidentiality surrounding that confidence and they are confident that clergy confidentiality which is in confidence is confidential.. in short, it ‘was a secret and should stay a secret.’.
omg.. and watchtower claims that this verdict “violates the constitution of the usa”.. i wish the jury could tack on another $50m and include watchtower lawyers are to be hanged.. i just had to say something.
I won’t steal Barb’s thunder, but has anyone had a chance to peruse the appeal that Watchtower launched yesterday?
Watchtower’s main argument is that stuff was said in confidence with confidentiality surrounding that confidence and they are confident that clergy confidentiality which is in confidence is confidential.
In short, it ‘was a secret and should stay a secret.’
And Watchtower claims that this verdict “violates the constitution of the USA”.
I wish the jury could tack on another $50m and include Watchtower lawyers are to be hanged.
I just had to say something. I am aghast.
Fifty years ago today: One quote to demolish the Watchtower
by JeffT ini did not have any connection to jw's when they published this, about two weeks before i graduated from high school.
i'm now on medicare and collecting social security.
so much for their ability to see into the future.
Hi nic
nicolaou8 hours ago
lastmanstanding: To get a trade takes 9000 hours. Usually 5 years...
” The difference is that you aren't in the University environment. You aren't being taught critical thinking skills, or how logical fallacies work. And you aren't spending five years away from your home and congregation! Five years spent at University will often destroy faith, five years on an apprenticeship - not so much. The cult knows this. Not downplaying your experience lastmanstanding, it's exactly the same as mine.
Nice to hear from another tradesman.(person)
I agree with your sentiments all true, just that I was taking the article at face value. The reason the governing bobbles gave for dissing university was “time”. And so my responses. Time, in relation to the nearness of 1975.
Fifty years ago today: One quote to demolish the Watchtower
by JeffT ini did not have any connection to jw's when they published this, about two weeks before i graduated from high school.
i'm now on medicare and collecting social security.
so much for their ability to see into the future.
I remember the BS. I was not quite 10 when this article was published. It screwed up my life.
Education was condemned. The article suggests that a “trade” would be the way to go. The article suggests that ‘since 4-6 years is too long a time’ to spend in learning, as the end was only a few years off, that young dubs should get a trade instead.
Sure, to get a trade, you just fire a dime into the bubblegum machine and you might get a trade come out. It takes 5 minutes.
These stupid morons at Watchtower had no idea.
I finally did get a trade. I will retire in a few more years.
To get a trade takes 9000 hours. Usually 5 years. You have to work full time, usually overtime too, and alongside “worldly people” ...achhhH!
How is that any different than going to University? It’s not shorter! You still spend all your time at it!
Oh... the governing bimbos meant become a window cleaner or a painter.
Thats not a freaking trade.
Jehovah’s Witness who posted criticisms on Reddit can remain anonymous, judge rules
by Tameria2001 in
i had this article pop up about the darksilver case.
it says a federal magistrate in san francisco has now ruled that darksilver can remain anonymous but then it says except for identification to lawyers for the religion’s watchtower publication.
If even 1 of the lawyers acting in behalf of WT is a non-JW, then it gets interesting.
That lawyer would likely also be disbarred and fined along with WT lawyers
if WT lawyers revealed to WT the identification DS.
That lawyer would have to take action against WT lawyers and WT.
.... and that would be interesting.
My apeal of disfellowshiping letter
by D wiltshire inthe first question is:.
i ask you would paul even think of doing such as thing as the wt has done here?????
i asked them not to keep double-talking me but to just come out and say what the charges are.
The only way an appeal would work is if you tied the elders to their chairs and sat down in front of them to read.
And, oh yeah, beside their chair was a large box marked “ANGRY BEES” and you were wearing a bee keeper suit.
They would be able to better reason on it this way.
'Organisation is our mother'
by EdenOne ini need your help please, for an article i'm writing.. i believe that quite recently in the 2010's, possibly at one of the annual meetings of the watchtower, there was one speech (or was it in a publication?
in a broadcast?
) where it was stated that the "organisation is our mother".
Watchtower always speaks out of both sides of its mouth. You have to figure out which side when you listen.
.... it’s an art.
Revealing Watchtower tax returns
by Nambo inplease excuse if this has already been posted:-
under the freedom of information act, this guy has tax returns showing where your money goes, where it is invested, companies like northrop gruman, monsanto, cigarette and porn peddlers, and we thought we where giving money to god!
i am quite sickened to discover i was giving money to the watchtower to invest in arms manufacturers..
If any one of us worked at one of the companies in the trust, we would be DF’d in an instant.
Hows that for hypocrisy....
New Light on the 144,000?
by Ding insomeone on facebook is claiming to have reliable information that the gb is about to announce new light on the 144,000 -- that it's symbolic, not literal.. one person suggested that they will retain the two-class teaching and just change the meaning of 144,000. his idea was that the change would avoid three problems with the current teaching:.
1. embarrassment over more and more partakers at the memorial when the number should be getting less and less.. 2. embarrassment over 12 symbolic 12,000s somehow equaling a literal 144,000.. 3. solving the problem of running out of "anointed" ones who are old enough to be on the gb.. thoughts?.
It’ll be just like “Babylon The Great Has Fallen”..... no talk about it and it will go away.
“Bablyon the Great has Fallen”
by lastmanstanding inwhat have you not heard lately?.
.... no discussion on “babylon’s fall”.
by 1919 it was apparent that jehovah had passed judgment on christendom—and indeed on all false religion.
So, Babylon the Great fell in 1914... hmmm.
So, up until 1913, the Pope was God’s peep. Sure, they was tight, the Pope and God.
The Spanish Inquisition, that was just a bump in the road. A non-event. God wasn’t going to bust up a happy friendship over a trifle.
But, in the fall of 1913 God phoned up the Pope and said, “hey peep, ya know that Russel guy on the other side of the pond got it goin’ on. I’m thinkin’ he’s my man now.”
Then God sailed for NYC and Russel was God’s new peep. Russel was in and da Pope was out. Babylon had fallen.
And all because Russel was so warm and fuzzy. Russel preached that the German military was “providential”, God’s tool to “shape young men”, it’s right there in the Watchtower.
Well, God Almighty couldn’t pass on such a grand opportunity, to hang with a class dude like CT.