That drunk... that’s not Top shelf Tony is it?
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
One simple photo to sum up the heartless and hypocritical attitudes of many Jehovah's Witnesses
by nicolaou in.
this was taken in london yesterday by a twitter user still managing his fade so i can't be more specific than that.
Part 2 of the article about me and my family and JWs is out this morning....
by dubstepped ini know that some here enjoyed reading part one of the article about me locally so i'm back with part two.
i was so happy to see my wife and my brother that was shunned so long before i was interviewed for the article as well.
This is great news!
607 date of Jerusalems destruction
by benny ini am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
It’s painfully obvious that rat350 hasn’t read Carl’s book
I have just watched the second episode of Chenobyl
by smiddy3 inas i said i have only seen two episodes so far and by what i have seen and what limited information i have with that and the japanese nuclear accident problem i know of i don`t want any nuclear reactors anywhere here on australian soil .. i think it has only been by pot luck that a disaster of major proportions has been avoided.. and that is not good enough .. we have had two warnings with chenobyl and japan ,what will the third one tell us ?.
i would appreciate your comments.
this should also be on social /politics .
Everyone talks about electric cars.
Canada would have to add 20 nuclear power plants to the grid to charge them cars.
Wind mills, solar? Ha! They won’t put a dent in it.
607 date of Jerusalems destruction
by benny ini am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
The 607 date is FACT.
Here is another FACT based on that FACT.
Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15
"If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy [see 607] indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. more FACT, yesterday was 607 2019
in case nobody noticed that this thread appeared on June 7
607 date of Jerusalems destruction
by benny ini am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
The answer is simple. Watchtower uses secular information to establish the starting point for their own calculations, after which they condemn secular information.
“Find the hypocrisy and ye shall be free”
Its called “poisoning the well” after you have drank your fill.
If you throw “secular dates” out the window from the outset, then 607 disappears, simply because you would have no starting point.
The Nabonidus Chronicle establishes the starting point, and that is “secular history”, which Watchtower first uses, then condemns.
... by the way, the unScholar dude knows this, but he is not interested in the truth.
"Are natural disasters a sign of the times?" -- Yes, says WT
by FatFreek 2005 inyes, bible prophecies suggest that there would be disasters during “the conclusion of the system of things,” or “the last days.” (matthew 24:3; 2 timothy 3:1) for example, concerning our time, jesus said: “there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.” (matthew 24:7).
that from their website this morning.. i see how they've morphed (by interpretation) food shortages and earthquakes into virtually all bad happenings today.. i'll bet if the "blue bonnet" (one elder's fractured pronunciation of bubonic during a public talk, using it not once but three times) plague, one of which happened nearly 700 years ago -- was going on today, it would be a sign of the times.
after all, it "caused the death of 60% of the population of europe".. no natural devastation like that seen since..
Matthew 24
38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying ... so the presence of the Son of man will be.
So, I see the fulfillment in this today for sure.
We see “men marrying” in many countries today, surely this is a sign from Jesus that the end is just around the corner.
Ray Franz
by pbrow ini know ray and his wife have passed but i wanted to take a few minutes and put my thanks in writing.
it is pretty incredible to me that someone who i never met, played such a major role in my outlook on life and more importantly in my (at the time) young daughters lives.
from the very first pages of "crisis of conscience" it seemed as though ray was writing to me.
You felt like you had the elders looking over your shoulder. Everyone felt that.
In my case, I and another bro went to the library to find it. We found it.
And an elder found us.
Yep, he was right there in the library in the same section. We walked around the corner, book in hand, and there he was. YIPE...!
We freaked.
Long story.
If you liked reading his book, then you would have really liked reading his letters, had you the opportunity to write to him.
And speaking with him on the phone at length was one of my best life’s experiences.
My only regret, I had a short window in which to fly down to see him and Cynthia. I didn’t seize it.
He was a terrific guy.
Anyway, good luck.
"Are natural disasters a sign of the times?" -- Yes, says WT
by FatFreek 2005 inyes, bible prophecies suggest that there would be disasters during “the conclusion of the system of things,” or “the last days.” (matthew 24:3; 2 timothy 3:1) for example, concerning our time, jesus said: “there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.” (matthew 24:7).
that from their website this morning.. i see how they've morphed (by interpretation) food shortages and earthquakes into virtually all bad happenings today.. i'll bet if the "blue bonnet" (one elder's fractured pronunciation of bubonic during a public talk, using it not once but three times) plague, one of which happened nearly 700 years ago -- was going on today, it would be a sign of the times.
after all, it "caused the death of 60% of the population of europe".. no natural devastation like that seen since..
What Jesus said at Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 was not a sign, but rather an anti-sign. He was warning about being misled by charlatans.
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. Tell us, they said, when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?
Jesus answered: Watch out that no one deceives you.
For many will come in my name, claiming, I am the Messiah, and will deceive many.
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
All these are the beginning of birth pains.
Note: this phrase “the beginning of birth pains” indicates a non-event, as the awaited child was not yet born. This is in harmony with the full context of Jesus’ warning to “not be alarmed” as “wars and rumors of wars”, “nation rising against nation” and the ensuing conditions of famine, as well as common earthquakes are not indicative of the return of Christ. It is the worst kind of anti-Christian aberration to teach people that God would inflict mass pain and suffering on mankind to distinguish his Son’s supposed invisibly fly-by.
Watchtower appeals in Montana.
by lastmanstanding ini won’t steal barb’s thunder, but has anyone had a chance to peruse the appeal that watchtower launched yesterday?.
watchtower’s main argument is that stuff was said in confidence with confidentiality surrounding that confidence and they are confident that clergy confidentiality which is in confidence is confidential.. in short, it ‘was a secret and should stay a secret.’.
omg.. and watchtower claims that this verdict “violates the constitution of the usa”.. i wish the jury could tack on another $50m and include watchtower lawyers are to be hanged.. i just had to say something.
What if the person who was molested, and went to the eldahs, would tell them that they want to maintain confidentiality, that they were in no way to tell anyone else what had happened.
Perhaps then, the Watchtower could not claim “confidential” as the request for confidentiality was broken.
What if, a person who was molested, told the court that they understood that their communication with the eldahs was “confidential” which meant ... CONFIDENTIAL ...and that the eldahs broke that when they contacted the tower.