Bottom line. The vigorous selling of Kingdom Halls is antithetical to Watchtology. The org ‘is expanding‘ they are told... but the facts speak a different story.
The selling will have an effect that is quite detrimental to the life of the org.
Psychologically, there will be an impact. Dubs are just people. And people are affected when there is a serious dichotomy.
...As incognito has pointed out.
Contributions will be impacted on several levels. Contributing is done in secret. Dubs will lose some of their pseudo-faith. They will have less heart to dump their hard earned cash in the box. Plus, those who have to drive farther will have less in their pocket due to expenses. Add to that fewer meetings due to age and distance, less opportunity to contribute.
It feeds on itself. It’s like a person that is consuming body fat because of a lack of food.