Watchtower responds to Zalkin’s response to Watchtower petition. Think tennis.
Watchtower argues that political types expanded, think of the umbrella again, only since Watchtower umbrella was taken, they hope to scoot under the fairy godmother of California umbrella.
Then Watchtower goes on to complain that their own umbrella was taken away unfairly, when Watchtower tried to use the Clergy umbrella.
I. There are no procedural impediments barring review. California expanded a cause of action that is the subject of constitutional dispute in federal and state courts throughout this country. California also deprived Watchtower of a jury trial by issuing terminating sanctions because Petitioner endeavored to protect citizens’ religious confessional and secular privacy rights. Watchtower consistently asserted the violation of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ federal constitutional rights involved in these issues in the lower courts, the denial of which are properly before this Court.