Corney, your words are worth less than bilgewater.
Let me be the first to call you a liar.
You claim now, at the end of this discussion, and it is ending, that you are fluent in Russian. Only now do you say this after I’ve earlier commented on the necessity of a Russian speaking individual to assist in translation of the facts.
You do NOT speak Russian, but there is most likely ones there at Warwick where YOU work in your Watchtower apology who have been assigned to help you as you flounder here.
You are a Watchtower defender. You are a dub. A PIMI DUB. And you will defend Watchtower till the end.
I took the time early on to go through your other postings. You defend Watchtower.
You are PIMI. They own your soul.
You don’t have a choice when it comes to the revelations concerning child molestations etc, the ARC, the arrests, the court cases, because if you tried to defend there, and Watchtower would like to, then on this board you would be fried.
I’ll bet that you have defended the Watchtower’s invented 607 date, in spite of the overwhelming evidence that conclusively demonstrates that it is false, and that 587 is the correct and irrefutable date. Somewhere, if I could find it, you defend 607.
Go ahead, you want a sliver of credibility, tell us that 607 BCE is false, and so is the 1914 BS crap about Jesus’ “invisible” coming.
Even if, and it’s a big IF, the video is actually depicting real Russian police doing a raid, there is NO EVIDENCE that and JW is involved.
Just to show how contradictory your arguments are, note this. You suggest that the big bad mean Russians are doing nasty to dubs, violators of dub rights etc, but then you suggest that the big bad Russians care so much about dubs that they blurr their faces to protect them.
I call FOUL.