I use a few caps and you conclude I’m not calm..?
Thanks for your concern, but I’m quite calm, I assure.
I went through and read many of Corney past postings and one theme is continuous throughout. Corney always defends Watchtower.
Corney always tries to minimize Watchtower’s wrongs. Corney goes to great lengths to find some ‘data’ to support Watchtower, very time consuming. That is not objective.
It quickly becomes obvious that Corney is a watchtower apologist and spends an inordinate amount of time devoting him or her self to minutiae, in support of Watchtower.
so, I’m not going to just take the word of someone who is clearly only interested in defending an organization that has lied and lied and lied.
But, if others who are objective can speak to the issue, then that’s another thing.
PS I still want to hear what Corney says about 607
PSPS If Corney said at the outset that he/she speaks Russian then that would have been a different story.