I like how they went on to invite “Buddhists and Satanists...”
Maybe next week they will invite “Satanists and Catholics...”
And the week after, “Mormons and Satanists...”
Don't leave anyone out, invite the “Satanists and Baptists...”
according to american atheists, their organisation had received multiple complaints that the jws were proselytising outside various government facilities.. said aa’s virginia state director larry mendoza:.
we would rather that government property be free of religious speech altogether.
I like how they went on to invite “Buddhists and Satanists...”
Maybe next week they will invite “Satanists and Catholics...”
And the week after, “Mormons and Satanists...”
Don't leave anyone out, invite the “Satanists and Baptists...”
go- teach.
par.1 : marching orders given to 500 attendees, none of them anointed, but 11 partakers, jesus taught and served people with an "earthly hope" and the commission to go was not as wt now claims a mandate to the gb members; the os only being supposed supporters.
4) new disciple stops drinking.
I skipped it. Went for breakfast with the family.
I made the right move.
It’s bologna.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Corney Corney corny
Definition: trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental
Interesting no?
Ok, lies by omission. Supposedly you are fluent in Russian. So then, you knew at the outset that the screenshot was not from the source that Watchtower org attributed it to, but rather from a Russian tabloid.
A Russian tabloid, that’s the backbone of your “argument” and I’m “stubborn” for rejecting it. LOL
I have a hard enough time accepting half the garbage from the MSM of the USA and you want me to accept as “evidence” some crap from a Russian tabloid from which all you have is your ASSUMPTION “It could be only JWs,”
You must believe in luck.
“put up or shut up”. Seems you should take your own medicine.
Corney, you asserted that the official police site affirmed it was JWs. That was false.
Corney, you asserted that the ‘news’ outlet, a Russian tabloid asserted that it was JWs, that too was false.
Corney, you bully people and are arrogant.
That’s true.
For the rest of the readers here, you have heard the question “what’s wrong with this picture..?”
I am a person who is paid to look at a ‘picture’ and I get paid to point out what’s wrong.
If you look closely at the screenshot on JW news Org, the picture that is being haggled over here, it is a screenshot from a tabloid which makes no direct reference to JWs, a tabloid that is referring to an official website of the government which also makes no reference to JWs.
Watchtower put a tribute on at the right of their screenshot of a screenshot with a false attribute.
So, let’s discuss “what’s wrong with the picture”.
First, these ‘police’ are decked out in SWAT gear with their faces covered. They are prepared to rumble, or so it appears.
They have their faces covered.
When special teams like SWAT bust into a place, they DO NOT go unarmed. They have their rifles and pistols cocked and ready, prepared to gun down the would-be crimers and protect themselves from harm.
These ‘police’ are going in for coffee.
When SWAT teams cover their faces, it is because they fear retribution against them or their families, retribution from the mob or the gangs that they are currently busting in on.
What retribution do they fear from ‘God’s people’... the pacifists from Warwick.
The ‘police’ would have been better off going in wearing Bermuda shorts, sandals and a flower covered shirt.
The most dangerous thing about dubs is the crap coming out of their mouths. The only protective great the ‘police’ needed was earplugs.
When SWAT teams bust in quickly, it is because the people they are busting in on might have time to either arm themselves or perhaps flush their drugs down the loo.
So what... were the dubs going to flush their song books down into the septic tank? Hide the books in a hurry... as if the ‘police’ couldn’t locate them in the shed?
Lastly, the ‘police’ rush up with a garden pick. As if...
Do you think the cops carry garden picks in the trunk of their Lada?
Standard issue Kalinhnicov, stun gun and garden pick.
If you know anything about anything mechanical, then the sight of ‘police’ using a garden pick to open a door makes your head spin.
If that door was locked, then that pick would never have got under the edge of it, and if somehow, by some stroke it happened that they were able to get a blunt pick under the edge of the door, then all they would have done is bent the door edge.
My Gawd.
If you were on a plane and the cockpit door was open, and you could see the pilot doing the chicken dance during landing procedure, would you conclude that it was standard fare?
If a local tabloid published photos of it and claimed it was standard operating procedure to chicken dance during takeoff and landing, would you jump on board and berate anyone who disagreed?
That dog and pony show was made up BS. It’s only a matter of who made up the BS. But for sure, Watchtower publishing that BS makes the head spin of anyone who knows how to identify a pile of dogs crap covered in flies.
There have been several ACTUAL videos of police entering halls in Russia to enforce the new ban. People are shown. They walk right in unopposed. The most that might happen is some young testosterone juiced brother who stands in their path.
Seriously, this made up BS video, if not done by dubs as a play act, has played right into the hands of the guttering buffoons who were only to happy to use it for their own purposes, and as it seems, there’s even people like Corny here who can’t identify a pile of dog crap covered in flies.
I will finish with this thought. If this ‘video’ was indeed made by non dubs, then it was intended to intimidate easily fooled dubs through publishing it.And by the way, I and a few fellas I know could easily make a much, much more believable and intense video on the weekend, one that would make the Corneys of the world crawl under their beds and cry for their mother.
PS. If you showed that to a movie producer and said it was your work, he’d throw you out on your ass. I
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
I use a few caps and you conclude I’m not calm..?
Thanks for your concern, but I’m quite calm, I assure.
I went through and read many of Corney past postings and one theme is continuous throughout. Corney always defends Watchtower.
Corney always tries to minimize Watchtower’s wrongs. Corney goes to great lengths to find some ‘data’ to support Watchtower, very time consuming. That is not objective.
It quickly becomes obvious that Corney is a watchtower apologist and spends an inordinate amount of time devoting him or her self to minutiae, in support of Watchtower.
so, I’m not going to just take the word of someone who is clearly only interested in defending an organization that has lied and lied and lied.
But, if others who are objective can speak to the issue, then that’s another thing.
PS I still want to hear what Corney says about 607
PSPS If Corney said at the outset that he/she speaks Russian then that would have been a different story.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Corney, your words are worth less than bilgewater.
Let me be the first to call you a liar.
You claim now, at the end of this discussion, and it is ending, that you are fluent in Russian. Only now do you say this after I’ve earlier commented on the necessity of a Russian speaking individual to assist in translation of the facts.
You do NOT speak Russian, but there is most likely ones there at Warwick where YOU work in your Watchtower apology who have been assigned to help you as you flounder here.
You are a Watchtower defender. You are a dub. A PIMI DUB. And you will defend Watchtower till the end.
I took the time early on to go through your other postings. You defend Watchtower.
You are PIMI. They own your soul.
You don’t have a choice when it comes to the revelations concerning child molestations etc, the ARC, the arrests, the court cases, because if you tried to defend there, and Watchtower would like to, then on this board you would be fried.
I’ll bet that you have defended the Watchtower’s invented 607 date, in spite of the overwhelming evidence that conclusively demonstrates that it is false, and that 587 is the correct and irrefutable date. Somewhere, if I could find it, you defend 607.
Go ahead, you want a sliver of credibility, tell us that 607 BCE is false, and so is the 1914 BS crap about Jesus’ “invisible” coming.
Even if, and it’s a big IF, the video is actually depicting real Russian police doing a raid, there is NO EVIDENCE that and JW is involved.
Just to show how contradictory your arguments are, note this. You suggest that the big bad mean Russians are doing nasty to dubs, violators of dub rights etc, but then you suggest that the big bad Russians care so much about dubs that they blurr their faces to protect them.
I call FOUL.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
That’s why I’m sKeptical of anything having anything to do with the tOwer
There are many groups that are in the same boat with Watchtower... in Russia. It’s likely that the video, from which Watchtower took the screenshot, is not even about Watchtower and the people are not JWs.
Probably Mormons or Scientologists or the like.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Thank you. Now THAT is meaningful research.
It might turn out that the group is not JWs at all, maybe a group building bombs for all we know.
The Watchtower will latch on to anything, until they’re caught.
the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
I can certify it...Case closed,
Corney thinks he’s ‘the man’
2. Watchtower had no motive to fake the video
Really, now that’s a gas. Like they have never faked anything or lied. bIG lies.
But no motive..? I think we can come up with a few LOL
As to the blurred faces, to protect police
Another gasser...! The blurred faces are the dubs, not the police.
You get gassier with every line.
The only thing that’s “closed” is Corneys mind.the current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
More proof of persecution against poor little JW widows and orphans.
Raids on Kingdum halls are spreading.