i upvoted your answer
this privilege is not biblical.. neither is it supported is any jw teaching or publication.. the catholic church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please.... to grant absolution.. do jehovah’s witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?.
if a jw elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin..
i upvoted your answer
this privilege is not biblical.. neither is it supported is any jw teaching or publication.. the catholic church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please.... to grant absolution.. do jehovah’s witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?.
if a jw elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin..
I understand what people are saying but my big gripe is Watchtower seeking and finding and “out” with clergy privilege.
Watchtower condemns the clergy’s role, yet they seek it for themselves. Why would today’s corrupt courts let Watchtower enjoy something that Watchtower condemns.
this privilege is not biblical.. neither is it supported is any jw teaching or publication.. the catholic church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please.... to grant absolution.. do jehovah’s witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?.
if a jw elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin..
When did the modern practice of confession begin? Religion in the Medieval West states: “A new form of penance was introduced in France in the late sixth century by Celtic monks. . . . This was auricular confession, in which the penitent confessed his sins privately to a priest, and it was an adaption of the monastic practice of spiritual counselling.” According to the older monastic practice, the monks confessed their sins to one another to get spiritual help in order to overcome their weaknesses. In newer auricular confession, however, the church claimed for the priest the much greater “power or authority to forgive sins.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia.
Did Jesus really give some of his followers such power? What did he say that has led some to this conclusion?
this privilege is not biblical.. neither is it supported is any jw teaching or publication.. the catholic church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please.... to grant absolution.. do jehovah’s witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?.
if a jw elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin..
Most Protestant churches deny the need for private confession to a priest. They hold that confession to God is sufficient for the forgiveness of sins, but some favor general confession and absolution at the “Communion service.” Many Protestants believe that faith alone is necessary to be justified before God.
this privilege is not biblical.. neither is it supported is any jw teaching or publication.. the catholic church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please.... to grant absolution.. do jehovah’s witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?.
if a jw elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin..
Jehovah’s Witness do not believe is “sacred confession” and their publications condemn it.
Why has no lawyer argued against JWs being granted the privilege when they preach against it.
this privilege is not biblical.. neither is it supported is any jw teaching or publication.. the catholic church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please.... to grant absolution.. do jehovah’s witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?.
if a jw elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin..
Definition: A declaration or an acknowledgment, either publicly or in private, (1) of what a person believes or (2) of his sins.
Is the rite of reconciliation, including auricular confession (personal confession into the ear of a priest), as taught by the Catholic Church Scriptural?
Sins that can be forgiven
“The Church has always taught that every sin, no matter how serious, can be forgiven.”—The Catholic Encyclopedia (bearing the nihil obstat and the imprimatur), R. C. Broderick (Nashville, Tenn.; 1976), p. 554.
Heb. 10:26, JB: “If, after we have been given knowledge of the truth, we should deliberately commit any sins, then there is no longer any sacrifice for them.”
Mark 3:29, JB: “Let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness: he is guilty of an eternal sin.”
How penance is to be shown
Frequently the confessor directs that the penitent say a specified number of “Our Fathers” and “Hail Marys.”
Matt. 6:7, JB: “In your prayers do not babble [that is, utter in a meaninglessly repetitious manner] as the pagans do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard.”
Matt. 6:9-12, JB: “You should pray like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, . . . forgive us our debts.’” (Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to pray to or through Mary. See Philippians 4:6, also pages 258, 259, under “Mary.”)
Rom. 12:9, JB: “Do not let your love be a pretence, but sincerely prefer good to evil.”
In the confession box itself the procedure is not in accord with the counsel of Christ, and consequently not conducted by men who show by obedience that they are priests of God. When the penitent enters the confession box she says, “Bless me, father, for I have sinned.” She has been instructed to begin in that way. To whom is she speaking? Ask any Catholic and he will assure you that the priest is being spoken to, of course. Yet Jesus showed that the practice is wrong. He said: “Call none your father upon earth: for one is your father, who is in heaven.” (Matt. 23:9, Dy) Those who ignore his counsel do not act for him.
Where, then, did this practice of auricular (“in the ear”) confession originate? Alexander Hislop shows that in ancient Babylon and Greece secret confession to a priest was required of all who were admitted to the Mysteries, with questions on morals being asked that are comparable to the ones asked in the confessional today. The pretense was that confession was needed to purge the conscience of guilt in order to avoid the wrath of the gods. The fact is that it gave great power to the pagan priesthood over the lives of those who came to them and were required to divulge their inmost thoughts. The doctrine of penance was reconfirmed in the Roman Catholic Church by the Council of Trent in 1551, and again it has served to give the clergy tremendous power over the lives of men.
As to another aspect of confession, perhaps you have read recent headlines, such as, “Vatican Reforms Confessional—Less About Sex, More on Taxes.” As is widely known, Roman Catholics are expected to confess serious sin to a priest authorized to “absolve” sins. The Council of Trent in 1551 decreed “that sacramental confession is of divine origin and necessary for salvation by divine law. . . . The Council emphasized the justification and necessity of auricular [told in the ear, private] confession as practiced in the Church ‘from the beginning.’”—New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 4, p. 132.
this privilege is not biblical.. neither is it supported is any jw teaching or publication.. the catholic church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please.... to grant absolution.. do jehovah’s witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?.
if a jw elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin..
This privilege is not biblical.
Neither is it supported is any JW teaching or publication.
The Catholic Church invented it, and its primary use is.... drum roll please...
Do Jehovah’s Witness elders, who seek the same invented privilege, also grant absolution?
If a JW elder hears “a sacred confession” then he must also grant absolution, absolving the sinner of his crimes.... er... sin.
i was balding and grey so i asked my witness barber friend to "just shave it all off" many brothers were doing the comb over which looked friggin stupid.
but oh no in the 1990's this was rebellious he had to call a brother we knew at bethel to see if it was ok. we got his ok to go ahead but at the time i could help thinking about the no beard rule and how controlled and cultish we were..
If you ride a motorcycle and you need to shave your head, and talk about it without reservation, you will be bald, bold, bad and best,
all or nothing said this in a previous thread, "we were told the "identifying mark of true christians is this love among the brothers".
it was said in the thread about not being invited to things.. i have seen it many times in re: to jw's.
how do jw's handle luke 6:32 then?
jDUBO’s will say
“Didn’t we come to sell you our literature of life?”
“Didn’t we come to tell you the words of the ‘slave’?”
”Didn’t we come to tell you that you wrong and we were right?”
so much love...
we know all the dissolved congregations in minneapolis/st.
paul now:.
1. lake of the isles .
You can speak with City Council memb’s and other city officials in different areas and find out what jDUBO’s are up2.