The problem is that ALL of the JW congregations are corrupt. They all follow the teachings and interpretations of seven men in New York. The disease is systemic.
If I could scoop you up and take you to a safe place, I would do it right now. I grew up a JW, and I can tell you in all truth that the abusive behavior toward you will not improve. This religion is tainted with people who are judgmental, overbearing, nosy, and hypocritical. Haven't you seen the ravings of governing body member Anthony Morris over men wearing tight pants? It is all over this forum and the Internet. But wait, there's more: Once you are baptized and fully "in", you will only have to continue to try to prove your worth based upon your performance as a JW by increasing your accolades within their org. Even if you manage to reach the esteemed rank of regular pioneer, you will never be fully treated humanely. Women in particular are taught to be submissive to men and their "headship". For example, women are only allowed to utter a verbal prayer (even with their children) if they are not in the presence of a male JW.
Also, you will face constant scrutiny for your clothing, makeup, and hairstyle in and out of the Kingdom Hall. If you dress well, and have good taste, this will attract attention. This is problematic because so few men exist within the religion that single sisters will view you as their competition for a spouse.
The fact is that no enviornment within this so-called religion is healthy or worth another moment of your time. If you are a Christian, please keep looking for a church-home that resonates with you. By all means, run away from those JWs as fast as you can.