Happy Anniversary to you both! And...
Happy St. Valentine's Day! 🍾🍫💕🎉💑
today is also my 12th anniversary to my most wonderful wife.
happy valentines day to all of you!!.
Happy Anniversary to you both! And...
Happy St. Valentine's Day! 🍾🍫💕🎉💑
there was a df of a mentally challenged young man he sexually assaulted a young girl.. in jesus day people were possessed by demons but we know today they had mental issues.. do you know of any cases where a mentally challenged person was df.. the case that i mention the young man was 18-20 years old and it was a case where he was.
functional, school, friends and was baptized.
i knew the family and if you didn't know he was a. typical teenager.. my question, if a mentally challenged person is able to answer the questions to qualify to be.
in my former indoctrinated state, i used to yearn for a time when all the world would be jws.
but hang on minute, let's just think about what the world would be like if everyone was a jw,.
first of all, no higher education, so no medical advances, no scientific research, no modern day medicine, infectious disease rife, no doctors, no engineers, so no modern day comforts.
i don't think you'd recognise me much at all.
i'm a royal mail postman, i love my job for the early starts and midday finish, the outdoors and the exercise.. i get on with people but i'm quite insular and don't enjoy crowds.
i'm happiest when i've fired up the charcoal and i'm making souvlaki or adana kebabs for my family and a few close friends.
Souvlaki?! Yum! I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing.
To answer your question, I honestly have no idea if people would be surprised once they got to know me.
Here's a tidbit about me: Like you, I detest large crowds and avoid them whenever possible. I also love books have collected them since I was a child. I still have my first books from which I learned to read. I'm rather introverted and shy, but I love people and I'm often more generous than I should be (or so I've been told). My home is modest but comfy, and I'm obsessed with decorating. I am also obsessed with saving money so I live a conflicted life with my passions at odds. When it comes to food, I will eat anything, although I prefer spicy-hot or savory flavors. I do love a grilled chicken souvlaki with a buttery slathering. I've only discovered this dish at a restaurant and thought I had died and gone to...well...never mind. But, it was tasty.
Its fun, this sharing about ourselves thing. Wish I could say more, but I'm sorry to say I'm rather a boring person. Haha!
warning of a long boring post ahead.
i feel like i need to vent my story out, as i feel quite helpless at the moment.. i'm 31 year old, married, father of toddler with another one on the way, due later this month.
i've been serving as elder for about 4 years now in a south florida congregation.
Welcome and congratulations on your wake up! I really feel for you. I am a fader, and I started my fade this year (I mean this past year). My husband is still totally in. I would have to say our darkest days were when I was first waking up and recklessly confronting him with my doubts. Since then it seems he has come to terms with my fade, and although he doesn't agree with me, we are at peace.
I agree with the folks who posted on here and said not to rush things. My advice would be to be happy, and work on making your marriage as happy as possible. I know it sounds challenging, and it is, but it is so worth it to finally be living an authentic life.
Whenever you need to vent, feel free to come here and post. We are here for you.
following is a letter i am going to send to the entire family both jw and non.
i would like to get your advice on whether i should do it.
my husband has told me before to voice my complaints but i have yet.
if anyone had to guess, what do you think the average age of the community actually is?.
are more millennials actually waking up or is it pretty even amongst previous generations as well?
following is a letter i am going to send to the entire family both jw and non.
i would like to get your advice on whether i should do it.
my husband has told me before to voice my complaints but i have yet.
You go girl! I think you should send the letter. But, I agree with Dissonant15. Leave the asking for a divorce twice out of it. You are asking for space to heal the marriage, and by saying you have asked for a divorce it sounds as though you have given up.
You are "one flesh" with your husband, and if they are bossing him about behind your back then they are disrespecting both of you. I cannot see any reason why the eldubs would bother you about it, and they may even reluctantly agree with you. Just in case, keep a copy of your letter for your own personal records.
In the past I have had to send letters to JW family while still "in". These people have no concept of boundaries at all. Set some.
this forum offers the stories of folks with as many variations as there are folks and a “great crowd” of lurkers whose stories may never be offered.
i am an outsider with a broken heart for some insiders that i love more than they know.
after reading nearly every “apostate” book ever written, lurking, being worn out searching the wt cd, i have come to an idea that i present for your appraisal..
One problem with the org is that it is extremely controlling and promotes fear instead of real love as its agenda. It is true that some can ignore the "bad" teachings of the org while excepting the "good", but what happens when that individual must then make the choice between obeying the org's commands to abstain from blood or letting their child accept a life saving blood transfusion? If they disobey and choose to blood, they face disfellowshipping and shunning by their friends, family, and congregation. Or, perhaps, the JW is given a promotion at work that would interfere with their attendance at an assembly or convention. The org expects them to attend the convention at all costs. There are many other scenarios that play out here where JW's aren't just guided by scripture but rather controlled by a corporation. Even disagreeing with WT interpretation is a no-no within the group, and it leads to expulsion and shunning. Those who are choosing to stay "in" may seem happy, but they are completely living in denial.
4 months ago i was conducting the watchtower study along with a long list of responsibilities that come with being an elder in a very goofy congregation.
during this time my health was going down hill.
i've always had a low blood pressure,(102/65 or abouts) but for the past year it had creeped up to 135/90 range.. so 2 months ago after learning ttatt, i'm still considered an elder because the brothers won't let me step down, but i haven't done anything in that time except comment once at a meeting a few weeks ago.
Well, since I've been missing meetings I haven't been as nauseated!
But seriously, yes, every elder/super-active jdub I know has either very bad health problems (mental and/or physical) or is on medication.
I can honestly say I cannot recall ever meeting a super healthy, happy Jdub elder.