You're not alone in this, rebel8. Happens to me all the time. A lot of my negative memories surface particularly when I'm hormonal or taking certain antibiotics. To the memories that end with me cringing, I like to imagine something really wonderful happening instead, or a bad person doing something I really like.
It's fun to imagine an alternate ending and can help you not dwell on how bad you felt. For example, I might remember my heinous uncle publicly chastisng me at me at a meeting for being late (actual memory) when suddenly he is struck with a horrible bowel problem and diarrhea explodes from his backside, blowing through the fabric of his suit pants and soaking the CO's wife who happens to be standing, horrified, next to him (my alternate ending to the memory).
I believe it is Steve Hassan who uses this method to help people deal with bad cult memories, but I could be wrong about that.