I'm going to start a new thread under the heading "Meet for coffee in Toronto!" regarding the few of us from the TO area getting together over a coffee.
Love & peace,
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
I'm going to start a new thread under the heading "Meet for coffee in Toronto!" regarding the few of us from the TO area getting together over a coffee.
Love & peace,
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
Hi all,
Does anyone know someone named John Audino?
He's e-mailed a couple of people trying to find out about the meeting I'm arranging here in Toronto on Tuesday evening. I've never seen his name before, and I haven't seen him post anything. He was enquiring as to whether Grace from St.Jacobs would also be attending.
Anyone with any info...please pass it on! :-)
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
OK, OK...what did the Greeks invent?
King & Spadina...
Hey Moxy,
The reason I wanted to send an e-mail as to the exact location was because a couple of people preferred it that way, in case the boards are monitored by fanatic JWs....so....I'll e-mail you and everyone else on the weekend.
I also work down at Kind & Spadina (surprise surprise!), so we should meet for lunch soon. I've been out of town for a couple of days now, and I return to Toronto Friday night.
Talk to you soon, :-)
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
Hi 68,
You're included! It looks like a go for Tuesday, July 17th from 6PM and on, in downtown Toronto.
Everyone involved will get an e-mail from me on the weekend with the exact location (and easy to follow directions for the out of towners).
Hope to see you soon,
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
sometimes change takes place over many years, in such a subtle.
and quiet way that those involved may not even discern that a. trend is forming.
as with social security and retirement issues,.
Just streamlining....I mean...just New Light coming along.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
sometimes change takes place over many years, in such a subtle.
and quiet way that those involved may not even discern that a. trend is forming.
as with social security and retirement issues,.
Just streamlining....I mean...just New Light coming along.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
Hi Kismet,
I tried e-mailing you, but it was bounced back to me as a "delivery failure-no such e-mail address exists". Is the e-mail address that you posted correct?
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
right here, right now, you are experiencing what has been needed for a long time, an authoritative website that helps brothers and sisters who use the internet use it wisely, by being a guide to what is useful and skipping what is useless.. we hope to serve you as we are endeavoring to be the real reason why you get online in the first place.
we realize that there are still a number of brothers and sisters out there that are unfamiliar with the internet and all that it has to offer, good and bad.
well, we are here to help with what is good, as well as help you to avoid what is foul with the internet.
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We have talked enough about what we don't allow... now let's tell you what we do want to see and what we will allow...
* Thoughtful posts.
* Positive and considerate posts.
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* Down to earth posters. No putting on airs. No high-minded mess.
* Everyone to have FUN! that's mostly what we are here for, eh?
Let's get to it, shall we?
These guidelines are subject to revision and refinement, so check back often.
With so many rules & regulations, dos and don'ts, it's like being back in the borg again, isn't it?
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada