i still can't believe the awful line ben elder said in the norway case
"...the theoretical rights of hypothetical children..."
what a creep! .
new zealand in depth.
24 jun 2024. jehovah's witnesses lose court fight to obtain abuse inquiry report before victims.
i still can't believe the awful line ben elder said in the norway case
"...the theoretical rights of hypothetical children..."
what a creep!
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
Assuming they are, they do a terrible job of indoctrinating their members to worship satan.
their masonic/satanic goals are more along the lines of...
(1) getting people to corrupt their own worship by following twisted doctrines
(2) stumbling people into rejected God after seeing hypocrisy/lies in religion
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
their goal isn't to get other people to worship satan
masons are selfish. they want all the power to themselves
that's why it's an elitist thing
there's a lot of competition
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
he also said they were from their father, the devil
hey, if the shoe fits!
wt leaders = satanists/snakes
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
man, some of those wt elders i've known have been totally "reptilian" lol!😜
bunch of freakin snakes!
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
anyone who is familiar with the powers associated with spiritism
can recognize
russell was a satanist
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
here are russell's words...
"Then brace yourself for the truth that it is evidently God's purpose soon to allow the minds of many of His little ones to become an open battle ground, upon which the fallen angels shall be judged, and the manner in which we meet the tests will prove our worthiness of crowns at the same time it proves those disobedient spirits unworthy of life on any plane. This is something with which some but not many are yet familiar. Truly, we know the Apostle in writing of this evil day says, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wicked ones in heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12). Truly, we know the Lord Jesus, at the First Advent began His ministry with forty days of conflict with the Adversary, who all that time sought to sway His mind (Matt. 4:1-11). Truly, we have reason to believe He must have had other terrible battles when He spent all night in prayer, and especially when He was so depressed in the garden of Gethsemane. But without actual experience it is quite impossible to conceive of the intensity of such struggles as Eph. 6:12 suggests. The base of the brain is seized as in a vise. Interpretations of Scripture, ingenious, but misleading beyond description, are projected into the mind as water might be projected through a hose. Visions may be tried, wonderful illuminations of the mind as by a soft but glorious greenish or yellowish haze. Seductive suggestions may be made, based on circumstances of the environment. Offers of inspiration may be made. The privilege of sleep may be taken away for days at a stretch. All this is with the object of forcing the unfortunate into at least temporary insanity so as to destroy his influence and, if possible, his faith in God. Failing in all other attempts, the mind may be flooded with thoughts that are vile beyond description. THEN REMEMBER THE VOW.
"The fact that Jehovah intends some unique experiences...If He pours the cup, it will only because He knows that we can drink it, and because He wishes to prove to angels and to men that we are worthy of the honors He is to give us." (The Finished Mystery, Studies in the Scriptures, Series VII, pgs 126-127)
russell was accustomed to esoteric offers of power - that's why he could write about it
when he said he rejected it, he was lying
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
either you are speaking about what you've read about but not experienced
or you are covering for them
if you had personally experienced satan offering you stuff in exchange for an act of worship
then you would know
what masons are into