wt considers me a "twisted sister"😜...
hey, @vidiot, maybe you could use the snakey thing for the cover of your "Beard Approval" band first album, lol...
can i sing backup for a few songs?
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
wt considers me a "twisted sister"😜...
hey, @vidiot, maybe you could use the snakey thing for the cover of your "Beard Approval" band first album, lol...
can i sing backup for a few songs?
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
In fact, one could argue that JW are less polluted than Catholics or any other Christian religion that incorporates some blatantly pagan practices like easter...
pretty brazen of wt to celebrate the lord's evening meal on the celebration of the pregnant goddess instead of passover, wouldn't ya say?
Fragrant, you weren't supposed to see those last pictures, ever. Where on earth did you find them?
you could say i've done my degree work, honey bug
bee good, @halcon
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
In fact, one could argue that JW are less polluted than Catholics or any other Christian religion that incorporates some blatantly pagan practices like easter egg hunting and gift giving at Christmas or trick or treating.
On the contrary, if I was a Mason I would flaunt it ...as all Masons do."
it depends on what degree you're in
"brazen serpent" degree - yeah, they're pretty freakin brazen
izak marias obviously has his degree
(since you brought up easter eggs and watchtower)
If you are a person of Christian faith, you will see how in ancient Egyptian and Greek religion there was zero place for God YHWH and certainly no place for anything remotely reflecting the concept of Christ. These religions had their own gods and til this day they want nothing to do with Christ.
On the other side, the Christian, there is no place for Isis, Osiris, Ra , Zeus , or Hermes for example. Logic would tell you it would be easier to worship these entities than flat out satan, but JW doesn't.
funny how most "christendom" churches don't include pyramids into their doctrines
funny thing, that
how brazen of wt to cut and paste the 1914 doctrine right from the pyramid teaching
one of their foundation doctrines for the whole shebang, right in front of everybody
damned pyramid doctrine straight outta egypt
brazen serpent degree
The Masons as you pointed out are overt in their practices when you see them from the spiritual perspective. They don't hide anything at all.
And personally, I suspect authentic Satanists wouldn’t want ‘em.No they don't.
speaking from experience, are you, @halcon?
(told you, you'd say too much😜)
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
if they flaunted it, honey-bunny,
then it wouldn't be a "secret society" now would it
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
@halcon & @desirousofchange
it's so soooooo predictable
same playbook, yup
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
lol, yeah, just like a special summer book club...
read 'em all and you get a free compass and square
with a pyramid tarot bookmark!🤪
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
@vidiot - lol, I only shared it because they asked for it ("any recommendations for books that shed light on masons?")
i've waded through it and it's clear wt leaders are masons/satanists
they use the same exact playbook
@halcon - you're full of 💩
But corrupting and stumbling people is not really the final aim of the snake. Survival is. satan is not an all powerful being that can give life onto himself. He needs help. And since he is a spiritual being, help is attempted to be given to him intentionally thru spiritual mechanisms."
either you don't know anything about spiritism, @halcon, or you are a really bad liar.
watch out, @halcon, you'll expose yourself if you say too much
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
I was on holidays a few years ago and found a book on Masons in the holiday house, the owner admitted to being a mason.
I read most of the book but wasn't much enlightened to be honest, it certainly didn't explain any connections with Satan, just a whole lot of boring in depth stuff about the paraphernalia they use, and a bit of their history. All very innocuous sounding.
when non-jw's read "the proclaimers book"
or something written by massimo introvigne on "bitter winter" about watchtower
or one of those pid fliers
are they getting the real deal info?
when you read publications by masons or mason allies it's just like reading wt stuff
you have to take it with a grain of salt
Any recommendations on books that do shed light on masons?
here are some links cut-and-pasted from my notes - sorry if there are any repeated...
compilation mason books
ritual egyptian 96 degrees freemasonry
Dr Cathy Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated.
Mason Egypt
freemasonry satanism link
three distinct knocks
mcclenchan pictures of mason lodge, names of masons
masonry trestle tracing boards
another egypt mason book 1878
paul grundy freemason wt
duncan's ritual
scotch rite
the one that says satan is god of masons
pike morals dogmas freemasonry
rose croix ceremony
rope around waist
world masonic register
1911 ibsa
crazy northgate freemasons in new york egyptian
more mason books list
additional egyptian secret rites masonry
Russell 1913 Souvenier Notes Convention
"The Temple of God" talk
1913 itinerary
another 1913 souvenier link "most holy faith" site
same, 1913 watchtowerwayback
jwarkive.uk https://jwarchive.org.uk/pdfs/watchtower
page 283
watchtower ibsa convention report souvenir 1913 pdf
pg 283-300
video of russell's pyramid https://youtu.be/UO2Mg_NBL5Y
jwn thread with lots of links/pics https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/98890/heres-proof-that-charles-taze-russell-pennsylvania-freemason?page=4
pictures of "riding the goat" cartoon https://forthright.space/2020/08/09/whats-with-the-goat/
theguardian article about orangemen https://www.theguardian.com/uk/1999/oct/24/northernireland.theobserver1#:~:text=Riding%20the%20goat%20%2D%20a%20ritual,and%20even%20goat%2Dlike%20bleatings.
animal abuse at church https://www.foxnews.com/story/cops-probe-child-animal-sex-abuse-at-la-satanic-church
freemasonry ritual info pdf https://thebridgelifeinthemix.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Adam-Parfrey-Ritual-America-Secret-Brotherhoods-and-Their-Influence-on-American-Society-pdf-roflcopter2110.pdf
quora answer, kathryn maynard https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-ride-the-goat-in-Freemasonry
the lodge goat book https://forgottenbooks.com/it/download/TheLodgeGoat_10806305.pdf
goats in rites of mystery religions https://brewminate.com/the-rites-in-the-mysteries-of-dionysus-the-birth-of-the-drama/
copy of WT charter in "Light after darkness" 1917 https://wt-archive.netlify.app/Books/1917/Light%20After%20Darkness/1917_lid_E.pdf
video of russell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTtJBd4ckdc
cia book online on mystery religions
rosicrusian rites
ted gunderson, retired fbi on masons/satanism
massimo introvigne on esoteric egyptian freemasonry and religion and satanism
"cremation of care"
qabbalism book
egyptian freemason satanism link
freemasonry medals book philadelphia boston 1880
freemasonry by hall egyptian
Links to Egyptian freemasonry info:
Overview of some masonry group stuff:
freemasonry egyptian links
rite of initiation egyptian book of dead
Scottish Rite
Minutes history book meeting of Egyptian freemasons
summary of freemason/egypt
https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-depth/520393/jehovah-s-witnesses-lose-court-fight-to-obtain-abuse-inquiry-report-before-victims .
new zealand in depth.
24 jun 2024. jehovah's witnesses lose court fight to obtain abuse inquiry report before victims.
i still can't believe the awful line ben elder said in the norway case
"...the theoretical rights of hypothetical children..."
what a creep!
the upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..