"DNA is a code of information passed down from parent to child. Its predictable and generally stable. This is exactly what we would expect to observe if we assume INTELLIGENCE behind creation. Again, the evidence of nature always shows us that Information begets information, consistent with the assumptions of creationism" - Saved_JW
Can you define information in this context please?
With regards the bold section of quote: Explain why you would expect this. Have you spoken to the intelligent designer and found this to be true? I am guessing not which begs the question as to how you would know what a designer would want to do.
"Evidence does not speak for itself, we all have bias and we all interpret evidence through the filters of our assumptions." - Saved_JW
This is a common creationist uttering and is designed to suggest that scientists simply interpret evidence one way of many possible ways, therefore creationist views are as valid as any other. However the reality is that scientists consider evidence in context, that context being how that evidence ties in with all the other evidence science as a whole as discovered so far. Creationists like to pick and choose what "evidence" to use to support their conclusions whereas in science a conclusion has to account for ALL current knowledge... Just look at all the creationist postings over the recent threads concerning evolution and you will see that all creation assertions or anti-evolution assertions have been from cherry picked data that was easily refuted by pointing out that very fact and supplying that person with all the information (or as much as was needed to point out the errors; see the post above for a classic example of how to deal with creationist reasoning...).