venus -
The guy's surname is Dawkins not Dwakins.
Also, we know for a certainty there was not global flood so the rest of your assertions that are based from the position that there is a biblical god are baseless...
last year i had a brother tell me that one proof evolution is false is that he doesn't see it happening today... i was going to bring of viruses evolving so fast that new vaccines must be developed each year but felt he was too closed minded to receive it.
today i was listening to the audio book of 'an ancestors tale- richard dawkins' and noted oe point that shined through.. here is evolution happening>>>.
venus -
The guy's surname is Dawkins not Dwakins.
Also, we know for a certainty there was not global flood so the rest of your assertions that are based from the position that there is a biblical god are baseless...
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
"Can someone elaborate"
I would guess he is talking about the infrastructure and political will...
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Seismology also demonstrates the Earth is a globe:
- Predictions are made on the basis of certain 'assumptions', one of them being the Earth is a globe.
- Predictions would fail consistently if the Earth were not a globe.
- Predictions do not fail constantly.
Ergo the Earth is a globe!
Seismic waves demonstrate the Earth is a globe:
- Primary compression waves travel at certain speeds in solid and liquid.
- Secondary sheer waves travel at certain speeds in solid but not liquid.
- Monitoring stations positioned all around the Earth pick up shock waves at expected intervals after a seismic event.
Ergo the Earth is a globe!
Tectonic plates demonstrate the Earth is a globe:
- We have mapped all of the plates on Earth and can measure their movements to the millimetre.
- They all touch another plate on all of their 'sides'.
- We can predict the movements of the plates based on how solid objects move over the liquid surface of a globe.
- The plates move just as the predictions predict.
Ergo the Earth is a globe.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
CaptainGrl and Kairos -
There are accusations of a lack of evidence based argumentation coming from the 'side' that does not think the Earth is flat.
Perhaps you could tell me what evidence you want.
- You don't want photos because they have been doctored.
- You don't want video because it would have been faked.
- You don't care about fundamental physics despite that explaining sufficiently why the Earth would be a globe.
- You don't offer anything substantial (i.e. what physical aspect of the universe would cause the Earth to be flat whilst everything else in the universe over a certain size is a globe) that I can consider.
- You don't believe testimony from astronauts who have been out into space and seen the Earth is a globe.
- You believe people who haven't seen the Earth's flatness with their own eyes.
- You can't explain how such a well resourced organisation (it's a world wide conspiracy involving millions of people!) makes stupid mistakes like in the photos you present above: Controlling people - YES! Double checking press releases - Opps...
In short my 'side' doesn't need to present evidence because the entirety of science is the evidence. I could suggest you learn some basic planetary science but I'm sure watching a YouTube video would be a lot easier for you.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
"From the moon the earth is small, from beyond the moon, it's bigger." - Kairos
You are starting to set off my troll alarm now. I can just about understand you holding to some of the ideas you do because the antidote to that is education. However that above only requires the knowledge we all have by looking out of the window.
Surely you understand that objects look smaller the further away they get?
Or are you ignorant of how cameras work? To suggest what you have suggested above is remarkably silly even considering some of the things you have been posting recently:
If you want a picture of the Earth and have the Moon you are standing on to be in shot you will need to choose a relevant set up that allows for that (you won't zoom in on the Earth as you would lose the Moon). When you don't want the Moon in shot you use the zoom function to miss out all the boring black stuff surrounding Earth.
It's really is that simple!
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
"yah, but suggest this is what they are doing to the so-called "climate science" and watch peoples heads explode..." - CG
There is a marked difference between:
1 - Altering a graph or simplifying tables of data whilst keeping the original explanation intact so that people who aren't trained to understand raw data can appreciate a visual representation of scientific work.
2 - Altering a graph or simplifying tables of data in order to give an explanation that goes contrary to the accepted findings by scientists for political (or otherwise) purposes.
You should trust the experts because they are, experts... If you want to learn about the reasons behind their assertions you will need to train in the relevant field to appreciate the raw data.
16 years ago I said to someone on a forum that there was no evidence for either evolution or creation. I was a creationist at that time. I was challenged on this and was given a long list of evidences for evolution. Fortunately I decided to honestly take a good long look at what was on offer and that was the start of my education (formal and informal) in the sciences. Imagine what you can learn in 16 years and then consider my thoughts when I see someone writing nonsense that would take minutes to educate themselves on, if they cared enough. Of course it takes a while to learn how to get educated; yes I'm being serious about that... Just saying...
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
"cofty, seriously, what is your level of education?" - CG
Who care's?
If I told you mine was post graduate, would it validate anything I've said?
If I told you I was still in school, would it invalidate anything I've said?
I think what is getting Cofty's goat (If I can assume to speak for him a moment...) is that someone is so vehemently asserting something so obviously false and is expecting to get taken seriously. If someone is asserting the Moon is made of cheese I would have no problem with calling that person an idiot after enough attempts to show they were wrong were ignored.
l have researched this subject and come to the conclusion that no we didn't.what do others think?.
"im a bit more objective when i tell you that the continents are not sized right on one vs the other, and so its overwhelming evidence that nasa doctors pictures and releases them as official satellite imagery" - Robo
Satellites can take pictures in all directions. If you compare one that is taken directly below it with one that is taken at an acute angle it will seem different as there is nothing to add a context of size to the picture. That is something better explained by a photographer...
Lots of things are 'doctored' before being released to the 'masses'. It's known as targeting the audience and applies to everything we do, not just science.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
"You can produce absolutely ZERO evidence how the massive stone block were cut with laser precision and moved hundreds of miles. All over the world..."
There is lots of evidence. Not least of which is the abandoned quarries, tools, canals, living quarters, agriculture and all the other things one would expect from such a large endeavour. It's all there and it's all been found and is still being found. That's the great thing about reality, you see something that has been done (pyramid), consider how it could be done (experience), then predict what you should find and where you should find it. And guess what, that has happened. Where have you been Kairos? Or is a real education too much trouble for you!?
"Archaeologists don't have ANY answers on this other than hammers, chisels, sledges and slaves."
Actually there is little evidence to support the use of slaves. Rather the population was highly motivated for this singular goal.
Aside from that, yes the answers are hammers, chisels and suchlike because they were being wielded by a very clever great apes with the same mental capacity as us... Well when I say us...
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
"how did 'they' move the huge cut and machined red granite blocks 500 hundred miles from the Aswan quarry to the inner chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza? " - Kiaros
By mobilising an entire civilisation to the sole purpose of building these things for their God Kings and Queens. Archaeologists are finding all sorts of evidence that shows just how they did this. Granted they haven't answered all the questions yet, however (and this is important so get your notebook out) they have shown that there are answers out there and that we don't need to make up sh*t. In fact the answers are a damned sight more interesting and stimulating that anything you or your conspiracy 'friends' have dreamed up!