But if natural evil is someway somehow necessary to accomplish a greater good like eternal heaven?
If eternal heaven is the greater good then what does this make human existence on earth? experiment?
Well what an experiment it has been:
The dinosaurs lived for millions of years on the earth prior to humans. Then after those millions of years some major cataclysmic event wiped out the dinosaurs when God got tired of those toys.
........accomplish a greater good like eternal heaven
Now we know why the earth is so hostile to human life because God needs to ensure our death so that we can attain the greater good of the afterlife in heaven.
The earth is certainly down right hostile to life. From massive asteroids crashing into the planet to cycles of heating to mass ice-ages the planet routinely kills of life en masse to:
Floods, tropical storms, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, monsoons, tsunamis, tornadoes, snow storms/blizzards, dust storms, sand storms, thunderstorms, sink holes, lightening, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, landslides, wildfires, being swept out to sea etc, the stories are endless: