The king of the north, that is, the king of the
country geographically located north of Judea/Palestine
was identified by the actual events of history as the Seleucids of
Syria, in particular, the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
The king of the south, that is,
the king of the country geographically located
south of Judea/Palestine was identified by the actual events of history as
the Ptolemies of Egypt.
Daniel 11:40-45 prophesied
that Antiochus (king of the north) would make war once again against Egypt, and would die on the coast of Palestine “between the
sea and the holy mountain”. This
event did not happen: there was no third war and Antiochus (king of the north)
did not die in Palestine, he died in Persia. This is
a failed prophecy by Daniel.
The prediction
concerning Antiochus’ (king of the north) final battle and place of death in Palestine (Daniel 11:45) was inaccurate, and so we know
that this "prophecy" was completed before the news of his death in Persia in late 164 BCE reached Jerusalem.
The failed prophecy of Daniel 11:40-45
is one of the giveaways that the book of Daniel was completed before
164 BCE, during the Maccabean period and that the author of Daniel was
writing history and not prophecy.
author of Daniel also claimed that the end of history would occur after the
death of Antiochus (king of the north) in Palestine.
This also did not happen.
The WT however claims that the
identity of the king of the north will be changing over time. They also claim that the king of the north is the same as "Gog of Magog" in Ezekiel. Others have claimed that
China is a more plausible
contender for the position than Russia
and there are other theories such as Christianity vs Islam, neoNazism etc.
Where in Daniel 11 does it
state that the identity of the king of
the north will be changing over time and that this king is the same as "Gog of Magog" in Ezekiel?
Where in Daniel 11 does it state
that the king of the north will be China, Islam or neoNazism?