no, but i do know a little about the pcr test.
i have to admit, this president can stir up shit.
other than some people who failed 10th grade or have a confederate flag on the back of their pickup trucks, who actually likes him?.
no, but i do know a little about the pcr test.
i have to admit, this president can stir up shit.
other than some people who failed 10th grade or have a confederate flag on the back of their pickup trucks, who actually likes him?.
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“Other than some people who failed 10th grade or have a Confederate Flag on the back of their pickup trucks, who actually likes him?”
this thread should be titled: “here is one more bit of irrelevancy to distract you from what is actually happening under your nose.”
what is happening under your nose, and how is it done?
A fascist government is being rolled out, worldwide. The mechanism is the threat of a virus (non-existent). The symbol of it all is the mask and other details associated with that. Wearing of the mask makes you an initiate into the ritual, and demonstrates your obedience. You can revel in your new position of compliance and favor, and snitch on the few disobedient ones. Be proud of your support for the health of all your fellow humans.
Racism is resurrected as a hotbutton issue via a faked or staged George Floyd ‘murder’, and the flames are fanned incessantly by a completely orchestrated media propaganda blitz, integrated seamlessly into the already five month old covid 19 propaganda blitz. Add to that the completely meaningless issues surrounding political nonsense...trump or not, biden or not, flynn or not...these theater puppets are not the key to whether or not your freedoms will be entirely removed, as symbolized by the removal of your human right to breathe oxygen. Whoever is powerful enough to run this event is using the medical/pharmaceutical empire as their vehicle, and humanity is being flattened on the road.
Stay distracted. Read a Mary Trump book, or Obama’s memoirs (if he has any), and put a black lives matters sign in your yard, or, better, read a slightly disturbing (but obviously false) report on how the pcr test is fraudulent, or how covid 19 death numbers were inflated by various means, or well, no, the nightly news or the new york times can help you put any temporary fears that you may have been misled to rest. We’re in this together, as long as we stay apart. As long as we follow the script. Stay safe, at home. See or hear something disturbing?? The fact-checkers are there to help.
1984 is not reality, but merely a cautionary tale. We’re safe.
naughty, naughty little children - going to beaches on a sunny day.. "health secretary matt hancock has "made clear we do have the powers to go back in and act"".
"Isn’t that what has happened in Florida , Texas and other states... People flout the rules , more cases of Coronavirus and a spike in numbers.. Authorities close things down again.
What is more important? You going for a swim and next week sinking a pint ? Or watching your Grannie die of Covid because of selfish fools?"
i will say politely: you are in thrall to the ministry of truth. your life, which has included at least aspects of basic freedom up to the rollout of this covid hoax, is changing. your indoctrination appears to be nearly complete, and as a "snitch", you only need to report to the thought police. that will help take care of the few discontents who cling (against the best interests of all!) to their right to live their lives. 1984 becomes a living, breathing entity because you are persuaded it is for your benefit. welcome to 1984, agenda 21, agenda 2030, and beyond. the united nations loves you and will take care of you.
on tuesday, the george floyd funeral took place.. "on wednesday, texas reported its highest single-day increase in diagnoses since the start of the pandemic, with 2,504 new cases, more than twice as many reported the previous day.
" source,
just my unprofessional take -- some 30 to 40 percent of attendees did not wear masks.. check for yourself, snippets of video footage, george floyd funeral..
ex-jws, for obvious reasons, seem to like revelations of cognitive dissonance. here is an excellent example of what is termed "message dissonance", and specifically uses mask-wearing "science" to illustrate. don't want to be led by a ring in the nose? start to recognize how a worldview is created for you.
on tuesday, the george floyd funeral took place.. "on wednesday, texas reported its highest single-day increase in diagnoses since the start of the pandemic, with 2,504 new cases, more than twice as many reported the previous day.
" source,
just my unprofessional take -- some 30 to 40 percent of attendees did not wear masks.. check for yourself, snippets of video footage, george floyd funeral..
thread title should be "more propaganda for the herds, straight to you from the Rockefeller medical empire"
i hope that within the next several months we will get back to some type of normalcy.
will restaurants ever get filled again?
will you ever be able to sit at a bar or go to a concert or broadway show?.
good comment fed up jw. while the noose is being tightened, people are still thankful that the rockefeller medicine people protected them so well. we have been protected right into the pen. it was never, ever about health. it was about control, and they have proved they have it.
today, it will be 90 degrees and humid!
this morning i’ll be playing tennis again.
while most people have been holed up in their houses, i have regularly played the sport outside.
i will offer this link one more time. published science invalidates the use of masks.
on the other hand, what are some obvious effects of mask wearing?
-reduction of oxygen intake, increase of carbon dioxide intake, therefore an immediate and deleterious upset of the balance of gases contained in every breath.
-inability to clear toxicity via exhalation, re-uptake of co2 and particulates
-constant inhalation of mask fibers having unknown and possible toxic effects
-shaming by covering of face and separating people, eliminating normal interactions
-constant fear emphasis, with well known damaging consequences
who would want and mandate these effects, and why?
today, it will be 90 degrees and humid!
this morning i’ll be playing tennis again.
while most people have been holed up in their houses, i have regularly played the sport outside.
@queequeg, i think this article is enlightening. read it carefully.
written in 2003, of course, but no less relevant in 2020, as it is of course discussing another corona virus. for more current enlightenment, try this video.
(my cat killed a dragonfly yesterday)
today, it will be 90 degrees and humid!
this morning i’ll be playing tennis again.
while most people have been holed up in their houses, i have regularly played the sport outside.
i'm so tough that my cat just killed a bird today. no joke. you go too, girl.
today, it will be 90 degrees and humid!
this morning i’ll be playing tennis again.
while most people have been holed up in their houses, i have regularly played the sport outside.
i will not wear a mask, have not worn a mask. i will not participate in this psyop, and the mask is just a good illustration of the fascist attack on our freedom that is part of this event. there is no virus, but if there was, the masks would be meaningless.'t_Work_A_review_of_science_relevant_to_COVID-19_social_policy