Moses father in law, Jethro, was not a worshipper of Jehovah, but Moses listened when Jethro told him that he needed to appoint qualified men to handle the problems between the Israelites and it was too much for him.
Why doesn't the gb recognize that they were and continue to be wrong and that the "worldly wisdom from a multitude of courts and government investigations about two witnesses and child molestation is the better course?
If it were not for their arrogance and pride, they could have cleaned this up a long time ago instead of refusing to change and fight at every moment. The Boy Scouts had a problem years ago and it is behind them and they now have policies to protect children and are heralded as leaders.
This is further proof that they have no special relationship with God and are the useless/ imitation slave not worthy of any earthly support. To tell their followers that they must support them because they are going to heaven and will be over the mere humans is insane.