I hope we are just sharing opinions and not arguing. The elders do have more given authority as pointed out by Wildthing, no doubt. The sisters can have control over the social aspect of a JW's life just like an elder that votes to disfellowship, but their authority is conferred by their husbands appointment and is a "taken" authority because of their social status in the congregation. For instance, one elderette would have a "get together" for all the young ones, and invite all the "youths" but the families that she didn't like. Not because they were bad association or reproved etc. She just didn't like them.
The uninvited families found out about it and many times they were crushed emotionally, asking themselves why they were not invited. Just cruel high school mean girl maneuvers that are so silly.
The social aspect of the congregation is where people are accepted by the rest of the congregation. So, then if you have control over this aspect, whether you are an elder with the authority to disfellowship or not, the Jezebel sisters could maneuver a shunning of your family that was accepted and enforced by the rest of the congregation. The reverse of the love bombing, the shun bombing is very effective, because the families would just fade away and then the elderette would say, "see, I told you they weren't good association".
If you have ever tried to harness a Jezebel influence in the congregation it is quite a ride. They can cry at the drop of a hat, make their defense out that they are the victims, and then they will take one elder at a time and coerce him to see things their way. It's just amazing.