Yes. I see this in my father, mother and if I'm being completely honest, myself.
My father left the dubs when he was 18 and returned 30 years later. My mother wasn't born in and met my dad a while after he left. They went through some hardships in those days and that's why they think it's the truth, but they both fail to realize they have many more hardships now.
Starting with my dad, he has always been emotionally unstable and financially irresponsible. But he made a lot more money back then and was under less stress, so his problems weren't noticeable. Now that he's back with the dubs, he has less money and seems unable to control his emotional outbursts, which is mostly anger. This leads him to constantly scream out childish insults or the "silent treatment". He spends compulsively and pays the bills he wants, and leaves the rest to Jehovah. He flat out told me that life doesn't have shades of grey, that's a lie perpetrated by "the world". Everything is either/or. He'll never admit it, but everything he does is for the approval of the elders and to fit in with them, it's like teenage peer pressure. He never does anything without consulting them for permission, like he's their kid. In some ways he does gives valuable life lessons, but for the most part he acts bizarrely immature.
My mom is more practical than my dad having not been born in, she can see different sides in situations. She also has a great handle on her emotions, and is rational with money. However, she is very "my way or the highway" and won't debate or listen to facts if it in any way conflicts with her thoughts. When upset, she also goes into the silent treatment and throws out vicious insults towards people if she doesn't agree with them or they didn't do something she wanted. She doesn't lose control of her emotions often but when she does, it mostly consists of a tantrum involving yelling and throwing her limbs like a 3 year old.
As for me, I'm a mix of them. Like my dad, I'm extremely emotional and can be loose with money. Like my mom, I'm very stubborn and can act really cold if I don't get my way. I'm also kinda naive and way too trusting with people. However, unlike them, I love a good debate and can accept if I'm wrong or consider a new viewpoint. I acknowledge life isn't clean cut and there are grey areas. I also couldn't care less on how others view me and am not particularly star struck by people in power (elders and MS).
Like my Nana used to say, "Some people grow old, not up. Just ask your mother."