That's just another example... And who does the paying? The rank & file do!
matthew 19:21. jesus said to him, “if you will to be perfect, go away, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.”.
jw family tanzania - bukombe kingdom hall.
nothing like attending your local kingdom hall in africa with dirt floors, tarps as a roof, brutal heat with no air-conditioning, and small wooden benches to sit on after a hard days work.. does the society help this congregation in africa with a suitable kingdom hall that would have the local members more comfortable with these unbearable conditions?.
That's just another example... And who does the paying? The rank & file do!
matthew 19:21. jesus said to him, “if you will to be perfect, go away, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.”.
jw family tanzania - bukombe kingdom hall.
nothing like attending your local kingdom hall in africa with dirt floors, tarps as a roof, brutal heat with no air-conditioning, and small wooden benches to sit on after a hard days work.. does the society help this congregation in africa with a suitable kingdom hall that would have the local members more comfortable with these unbearable conditions?.
And he also said that Christians should build beautiful retirement resorts for the GB and great cinema studios and forget about the poor, the sick, the widows and the elderly. That would be the way to distinguish the true Christians, wouldn't it?!
matthew 19:21. jesus said to him, “if you will to be perfect, go away, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.”.
jw family tanzania - bukombe kingdom hall.
nothing like attending your local kingdom hall in africa with dirt floors, tarps as a roof, brutal heat with no air-conditioning, and small wooden benches to sit on after a hard days work.. does the society help this congregation in africa with a suitable kingdom hall that would have the local members more comfortable with these unbearable conditions?.
The haves and the have nots. Just like Jesus said!
hello, folks: about a month ago, stan livedeath started a post about.
how many of the readers here on the site have been or are now being shunned by friends/relatives?
well, let's turn that around a little bit: how many of the readers here have purposely shunned a witness, when they encountered them?
I don't shun. I smile with a broad smile, show how well I am. I even force them to speak to me sometimes! I reply to their shunning with all my happiness!
the watchtower—study edition | march 2022. study article 12. do you see what zechariah saw?.
11. what challenges do some of jehovah’s worshippers face today?.
11 change is challenging for many of us.
Just like in any factory, machines get older and are replaced!
why is it important to some that god only have one visible organization to represent him on earth?
why is it important to jehovah's witnesses that people recognize their organization as such?
what makes a witness more moral or righteous or save-worthy if they accept that it is his one and only organization?
Business as usual...
admittedly it 90% crap over there but still they are up to 80k in subscribers.
over here it's the same half dozen or so that posts something, including myself.
why is that?.
I think that might be caused by the fact that people aren't used to use forums anymore... They prefer social networks.
the watchtower—study edition | december 2022.
6 jehovah has created us to find enjoyment in our work.
All will be beautiful, all will shine!!!
for what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
WT stands on its belief with its own evidence until facts falsify them.
And where is it?
i read this in the july 2017 study version of the watchtower.. ".
propaganda—how dangerous is it?.
what is propaganda?
There are experts using it for sure!