So God helps the blind man but he didn't help Terry? Why?
Again, realize you are describing a concept of God that is Watchtower-based (and Christian-based, for that matter).
The paradigm of God in this concept is that "God" is someone you are supposed to ask things of and expect this of, to "believe" in, and that prayers are supposed to be heard by God and not be said to be things heard by ourselves.
These are very opposite of Jewish concepts, and some of them even shared among Catholics, and the Orthodox. For these prayers are pre-composed, inspired by God in the Psalms, and recited, rarely spontaneous. In them, the person hears God speak to them. The prayer is often actually to themselves! Occasionally they ask for their own needs, but mostly they praise God in this inspired liturgy. It's not about asking for God to do this or that for them. It's about thanking God for this and that, and asking God what more they can do for God. A Jewish proverb states: "Pray as if everything depends on God, but act as if everything depends on you."
The prayer of Jehovah's Witnesses is not composed of inspired words from the Bible. Instead people must come up with their own words, spontanously and extemporaneously, unlike the way the Jews and original Christians did. Witnesses ask God for things and expect God to give them things in return. They are taught to believe hard in God and not let doubt drown out their faith or else their prayer might be ineffective. Reciting prayers is forbidden.
Because they have been taught no other way, nor have they been exposed to other religious paradigms or traditions, even some ex-Jehovah's Witnesses expect that all other religions are based on a "faith/pray=ask" system. Since the Watchtower mocked and taught that recitation of prayers was bad, not explaining that the recitation was from the Psalms (the Jews, Catholics, and Orthodox use the Psalms as their official prayer and song book, have been doing so for thousands of years--compare that to the official song book of the Witnesses and who is making up the prayers offered at JW meetings), it is a wonder whose prayers and prayer system is actually more authoritative and makes more sense.
Therefore it is not that 'God is fickle on who God helps or ignores.' It is Witnesses and some ex-Witnesses who are still clinging to Watchtower indoctrination that still applies a paradigm of "God" being a type of "Santa Claus" system who only rewards who God wants and is stingy with others. We then blame God for not fitting our view when we forget that we might be holding on to a view that was given us from a cult to begin with.
It is far better that we strive to find practical ways to serve our neighbor, find what their real needs are and meet them than merely point people to prayer. All the talk about God in the world is useless compared to real action. There is no help in talking God when someone is left without what they truly need. Do something. God is the action you do, not in the belief or faith you have. Faith does not move mountains. Pushing moutains moves them.