For the old guard, the beard thing may be just as bad. The old guard is seeing unprecedented changes. I know 100 elders, old and young, that must be saying WTF right now with the time reporting change and now the beard change. It communicates a major relaxation of the way things are done. But the old guard got older thinking that in the last days things would become MORE urgent, more finetuned, more severe... instead you can now decide for yourself what the word "ministry" is and wear beards...
It communicates to the old guard that they are likely much farther away from seeing Armageddon than they originally thought. Hell, the elders that studied with me were already saying 10 years ago that they were fearing living out this system. I don't know how the religion can keep saying the new system is just around the corner get ready, while at the same time changing rules to make things more lax.