I often wonder... What's the effect of the ARC hearings on JW's in Australia so far? Are their numbers already dropping because of the scandals' magnitude or do they still believe it's all apostate lies?
JoinedPosts by redpilltwice
The borg is fighting tooth and nail to not turn over sex abuse records, and the press is taking note :)
by EndofMysteries inhttps://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/aug/12/jehovahs-witnesses-under-pressure-over-handling-of-sexual-abuse-claims.
Inactive ones talk... some lies I noticed
by purrpurr inthe brother giving the saturday"inactive ones helping them to return".. he said, this year the society has been making an effort to contact all inactive ones.. and also... the elders visit all the inactive ones at least once a year .
totally bs!.
Poor meeting attendance has a direct corrilation with lack of shepherds shepherding the congregation.
roseinbloom, once I learned TTATT and resigned as elder, I was pleasantly shocked by the personal "confessions" of some rank-and-file JW's regarding their doubts and personal opinions regarding WT doctrine and policies (Long live freedom of thought and personal expression!).
I realised many sincere shepherds are pulling a dead horse so-to-say. I remember the mild frustration of the several group-overseers (including me) during our BOE meetings every time we noticed that younger brothers with potential didn't grow spiritually in spite of shepherding visits and working together in field service. There was always that one question... "What else can we do to encourage him... or is there some unknown problem maybe?" We would often guess proclaimers had busy full-time jobs that kept them from meeting attendance or too much family pressure but were not motivated enough to admit it or make changes.
Now I know of TTATT and the many lurkers, faders and those held hostage because of family. I pity the elders in this era of unfathomable "new light", the abuse scandals and Google Almighty and instant fact-checking.
The GB knows, they hope the rank-and-file don't know, and the poor elders are told again and again to pull on a dead horse. For many, a nervous breakdown seems to be inevitable on the long term. How many more elders will resign, building up even more pressure for those who stay in office?
Port St. Lucie, FL Elder facing charges of sexual battery on child, lewd and lascivious behavior
by wifibandit inhttp://www.tcpalm.com/news/crime/st-lucie-county/man-27-faces-charges-of-six-counts-sexual-battery-on-child-37eef916-9fe8-7596-e053-0100007f3f9d-387317751.html.
biggs, george calvin dob: 11-26-1978.
This guy is 37, not 27.
Look at D(ate)O(f)B(irth)
"Jehovah's Witnesses, unless you wish to speak about the proceedings of the Australian Royal Commission then please don't knock"
Lol, that's a good one stuckinarut2!
Besides the abuse... Geoffrey Jackson's testimony before the arc was the definition of LIES!
Should scare every truth-loving householder out there
What will Tony say?
by konceptual99 ingenuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
@ Anders
Last time I saw and spoke to him was at last years convention. It would make sense if he knew at least a bit of TTATT, but maybe he's just carrying it with him while still believing there's still some truth to the WT doctrines. In the meanwhile, he's clearly having fun and seems not to be suffering much from a tight, suppressing Borg-set of rules.
Are these pics from Facebook or what?
What will Tony say?
by konceptual99 ingenuine picture from a convention in holland.
what will tony say?!.
Lol, I know this "rebel" too. Intelligent guy, knows his languages, always getting attention, but you must admit... his pants are LEAST tight (TMIII smiles...).
K99, if I may ask, where did you get this picture from?
JW and the Sabbath
by Andromeda inhello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
Keep the sabbath on saturday (as supposed to be) and you'll have a reason to never go out in field service on saturday anymore. Follow your bible-trained conscience!
Brilliant Lisa Rose! Oh yes, it will work
And for all those who are unable to get such a beautiful sign, there's still this ol' and proved method ...
Fading: The One Year Mark
by Hadriel inafter fading for roughly a year now there's some good and some bad.
the bad.
it is becoming increasingly difficult to go to meetings.
I like this topic Hadriel. Congratulations so far and yes, I also feel stupid at times . Not born-in, but nevertheless 20 years of indoctrination. My 1st year anniversary of fading will be next month and I'm always interesting in how fellow-faders are doing. We have no family in the borg, but I hope I hope to get one out as well. Would be great!
Dutch convention: disassociation in broader perspective
by Gorbatchov intoday at the utrecht international convention in holland there was no "word in spanish" about dissassociation.. "we avoid any contact with dissassociated witnesses.
not only sinners, but in a broader perspective, also inactive witnesses".. there was a lot of noise in the hall direct after that moment.. so, no fading escape in the near future, i expect.. g..
Steel, you wrote:
I thought the shunning for inactive ones was just for people living amoral lifestyles.
I believe that's true, but who will discern where to draw a line? I do not live an immoral life, but I still would scare the hell out of most jw's if they knew (and I can only assume they don't) that I'm attracted to agnosticism instead of organised religion, that I'm listening to heavy metal music, that I've visited a so called "healer" (see my topic "Did I open the gate to the realm of demons?") and that I'm a daily visitor of sites like these. That would make me some kind of philosophic, near-secular and spiritistic apostate, right? Enough reason for some good ol' WT shunning...only motivated by loyal love of course.