You've posted an intriguing topic OnTheWayOut. Love this kind of stuff! You wrote:
I know this kind of thing goes against everything they learned since 1975, but they survived that and paid for modern presses with that debacle.
Those were times of financial growth, bethels everywhere, millions of mags and books, therefore Jah's blessing.
Now they are cutting costs like never before while the internet is shooting holes in every jw doctrine and exposing the pedophile scandals and their corruption of their own organisational history. Declaring the great tribulation now or within a short time would make it almost unbearable for the flock to endure until a paradise in 2034.
Also, the rumors for 1975 started in 1966, and became stronger in the next 9 years up 'til the "end" in 1975. That was one of their biggest mistakes! It wouldn't be wise to fuel expectations for 2034 already in 2016 or 2017 and repeat such a debacle again!
Just sharing my thoughts, that's what forums are for, right?