Finkelstein > Really TTATT is that the ancients propagated the suggestion that a god like savior would come to earth and save mankind of its perils, those expressive suggestions came from other diverse ancient civilizations as well.
I appreciate your input finkelstein, and you're right about that, but if TTATT includes proof that WT used Gregorian instead of Jewish calender and therefore came to the wrong conclusion of 1914 (it should've been 1886 according to the OP), then I have the right to ask the same thing about the use of the Jewish calender regarding the calculations for the 70 years of desolation. That's all, no means to stir up any theological debate.
One of the obvious mistakes religionists make is not understanding or accepting that ancient mythology is fictional and the bible is full of it from beginning to end.
I get your point, but it's not about whether we consider the bible as myth, but about how we come to historical conclusions by use of calculations. We're not talking about talking snakes here and I can't help it that these numbers are from the Bible. I assume you don't consider the destruction of Jerusalem and the use of Jewish calenders to be myths, do you?