Welcome to this forum, so much good news here lately and always tons of good advice! When I resignated at age 48, I was the youngest of the b.o.e. The rest is grey, tired, aging fast, some sick and one already deceased. Future not looking good for the Borg. If I may ask, how old are you? Were you a young member of the b.o.e. too?
JoinedPosts by redpilltwice
Begining of freedom???
by JW-AWAKED J17 inhello every body!.
it's my thirst time here.
i'm verry glad to tell you my resignation as an elder in my local congregation.
My husband reinstated our son
by Finally Left indear friends, we were so touched by your warm welcome and all of your comments to my ballroom dancing post.
thank you so much for your kindness.. i have more to tell you, but i wanted to share this with you.
we have a son that has been disfellowshipped for 18 years for smoking.
Great story, this site has zillions of them and the openness of many can be so touching, refreshing and encouraging for others. Like others, I'm looking forward to the next story!
How ballroom dancing helped our exit
by Finally Left injust wanted to say hello and thank you for all of your comments.
when i finally figured out this was not the truth it was nice to know i wasn't the only one - it was a surprise to learn how many there are.
february was my last month of service after 43 active years.
Wow, great story and welcome on the board.
What I was very disturbed about was the change on typical/antitypical. It was obvious I had been lied to.
One of the reasons that made me realize something really was wrong, deep spiritual food (proof of Jehovah's blessing) was swept from the table with one stupid WT article!!! Together with the abuse scandals, the overlapping generation doctrine and their lying about 1914 it become too much too bear anymore. You hear many such stories here. Can you imagine how the Borg has shot themselves in the foot by these ridiculous changes?
Southern California USA Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses On High Alert
by JW GoneBad incircuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers and rank & file are stressed out over an ex-jw (kevin) who has visited nearly 20 congregations (orange county) and has high-jacked the opening prayers and done some effective witnessing before he is escorted to the back door.
and everything is caught on video!.
kevin is also visiting numerous jw cart locations from the los angeles area to orange county and giving a most effective wiitness at each location and they're all on video.
Konceptual99 > I think Kevin's cart work in reverse witnessing was far more potentially productive than starting a prayer in the hall and being out of there in 60 seconds.
I agree. I also think his activism will last much longer this way. On the other hand, it's a matter of time before all California knows him, several elders and others (both in the KH and on the street) already took pictures from him. Truly an Apostate-Rockstar ...I'm jealous!
Southern California USA Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses On High Alert
by JW GoneBad incircuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers and rank & file are stressed out over an ex-jw (kevin) who has visited nearly 20 congregations (orange county) and has high-jacked the opening prayers and done some effective witnessing before he is escorted to the back door.
and everything is caught on video!.
kevin is also visiting numerous jw cart locations from the los angeles area to orange county and giving a most effective wiitness at each location and they're all on video.
Thank you for the confirmation about O'Hare and added links darkspilver. I've never heard of Shaunie Chalk, the news is from 2009, must have missed it while still being in the Borg but from what I've read, she seemed to display more of some typical teenage-psycho behaviour.
konceptual99 > I did watch a few of his hall antics and some did make me smile a little but ultimately I can't see them having much of a positive effect.
You'll never know if someone has the guts to visit jwfacts or fact-check ARC at the privacy of their homes. Witnesses don't care if most people reject their kingdom message, they just go on, repeating lies that come directly from their GB. With all respect, why then should activists who tell the truth quit just because others don't see enough benefits compared to the costs?
he is simply nuts.
He probably is, but "Kevin" isn't and that's why I put him in a different, more moderate league of activists.
Southern California USA Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses On High Alert
by JW GoneBad incircuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers and rank & file are stressed out over an ex-jw (kevin) who has visited nearly 20 congregations (orange county) and has high-jacked the opening prayers and done some effective witnessing before he is escorted to the back door.
and everything is caught on video!.
kevin is also visiting numerous jw cart locations from the los angeles area to orange county and giving a most effective wiitness at each location and they're all on video.
intropist > Is that kind of activity in CA apparantly illegal?
Intropist, I don't live in the USA, but witnesses invite the general public to visit their meetings, especially the public talk. In one of Kevin's video's one elder says to him that in his case, the invitation to visit the KH is withdrawn. It will take some time and a lot of effort to permanently keep off "Kevin" by law. I believe Derek Ohare is such a person that actually is banned from KH's in the UK, but "Kevin" is a saint compared to him. Let's wait and see...
Southern California USA Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses On High Alert
by JW GoneBad incircuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers and rank & file are stressed out over an ex-jw (kevin) who has visited nearly 20 congregations (orange county) and has high-jacked the opening prayers and done some effective witnessing before he is escorted to the back door.
and everything is caught on video!.
kevin is also visiting numerous jw cart locations from the los angeles area to orange county and giving a most effective wiitness at each location and they're all on video.
I like "kevin's" video's and admire his courage.
I don't think his activism is aggressive, he is in no way a Derek Ohare. He DOES use some shock tactics however that can make some people (especially some elders) feel uncomfortable. So what? There's activism everywhere! Simon calls it a wrong thing if it upsets or frightens some old person or child, but hey, Kevin is not lying and don't witnesses do much worse in jehovah's name by shunning people, scaring and messing up people's lives with false prophecies regarding the last days and cultish doom messages that 99,9%of the world population will die at armageddon, not to mention the damage done to abuse victims! One might not agree with what Kevin does, especially disturbing the prayers, but it's also my observation that he often tries to convey some element of concern and love, especially at the end of his video's when he is asked to leave the KH or when the street conversations end.
Furthermore, as Pete Zahut already said, it's great to see through these video's how empty many halls are.
Also, if kevin can invade so many KH's and reach so many cart witness places with his anti-witnessing...wouldn't it make someone think about god's holy spirit? I was always told that demons cannot enter god's house, but this evil, lying apostate at satan's right hand is allowed by jah to do a KH/cart witness tour in South California??? JW higher-ups are scrambling, not knowing how to deal with this situation? Come on!!!! Jah obviously is not concerned about his sheep getting so many opportunities to learn about "poisonous" TTATT! I say...let EVERY jw region worldwide have it's moderate kevin and let's see how many witnesses awake! Isn't that what we ex-jw's want deep in our hearts?
Ok, one final observation... It's also very telling to notice how there seems to be no will among street preaching JW's to refute kevin's "false" statements regarding pedophiles. It SHOULD bother them, like it bothered ME a few years ago. I know JW's cannot talk to apostates, but let's hope some will check jwfacts or the ARC at the privacy of their homes.
The New terroists That The World have To Confront What is the Answer ?
by smiddy inthis latest attack in manchester u.k. targeting a venue attended by mainly children and teenagers who go to a concert by their favorite singer and then to be attacked by a terroist has to be the last straw... surely ?
22 dead at last count mainly young girls enjoying a concert of their favourite singer ?
and at least 50 others suffering injuries ?.
I almost cried and felt really angry when I heard the news, poor kids, poor victims. I agree with freemindfade that islam should be held responsible instead of letting non-islamic nations do all the work. Because of freedom of religion, we cannot ban islam in the west, but we SHOULD ban any place where radicalisation takes place. It's remarkable that moslims over here are not demonstrating against their own religion's extremists. We should hold their religious leaders responsible for any hatespeech or breeding place leading to radicalisation and demand by (moral) law from parents to talk to and hold an eye on their kids and immediately inform authorities when radicalisation takes place. It will never work 100%, I know, but I'm getting sick and tired of those speeches that are only filled with strong words, not deeds, such as "we can and will not tolerate this", "we will never give up our freedom and standards" bla bla bla while the terrorist attacks continue and terrorists don't give a f%&k about what we "infidels" think.
Time for action!
by Anders Andersen inso a week or so ago we received an invitation for a jw friend's wedding anniversary party in the mail.it was addressed to 'the andersen family' (and not just mrs. andersen & baby andersen) which was pleasant of course, but not a huge surprise given the type of person who said friend is.. however, i already prepared myself to be uninvited after all.
some time ago, there was a congregation farewell party/get-together.to my surprise, i was invited too!
an elder specifically came over to my house to tell me.then some weeks later, he visited again, being terribly sorry but the invitation was revoked as the congregation got concerned over my possible presence.. with that debacle in mind, i wasn't surprised to receive a message from my friend 'hey are you at home?
I'm sorry you were sucked in such an embarrassing situation...again!
So the congregation got upset?? Hmm, what a subtle way to let you know something's "wrong" with you. Anyway, let's hope your rebuttal and awesome Russian example will reach some sane minds in order to reckognize their own hypocrisy.
Im "Going To Die In Armageddon"
by pale.emperor in3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
Typical shock tactics pale...where's Jesus' love? Almost always the same cards... "last days", "armageddon", "look what's happening in the world" bla bla bla...FEAR FEAR FEAR!!!
Your example and behaviour is a so much better witness than their paranoia and after so many failed prophecies, how does someone even dare to text that "Armageddon is just around the corner. It's like being 1 minute to midnight..."?