JoinedPosts by wisdomfrombelow
by wifibandit inpdf .
this issue contains the study articles for february 29 to april 3, 2016.. what about the number of those partaking at the memorial?12, 13. why should we not worry about the number of those who eat the bread and drink the wine at the memorial?12 in recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the memorial of christs death.
that trend contrasts with the decrease in the number of partakers that we saw for many decades.
Reading about their new numbering system and seeing how it is inconsistent between the public and study issues is really strange. I wonder why they didn't just use No 2 instead of "January" for the study edition? Did they not think publishers could figure that out? Would it make it too easy to confuse with the public edition that they might inadvertently offer the study edition in the ministry? It is just another oddity. -
What’s the deal with all the Smart-Educated JWs?
by John Aquila inwe talk a lot about most jws being uneducated, uninformed, and that they lack critical thinking skills, but in my area there is a lot of jws that went to the university, medical school, law school, and came back to the organization.
in my circuit, that i know of, we had two electrical engineers, one computer engineer with a ph.d. eight teachers with a bachelors degree and three of those with a masters in education.
we had two medical doctors, one was a pediatrician who closed his business about 3 years ago and went to bethel.
I also have noticed that the well-educated witnesses tend to associate with each other and therefore it reinforces their willingness to stay. Some of them also "try harder" by pioneering and reaching out to show that the Society is wrong by saying worldly education will lead you away from Jehovah.
Also, some of them seem to be drawn to the foreign-language groups since they can use their mind learning a new language instead of just going to a mind-numbing english language meeting. Also, if they marry less-educated witnesses there might be a challenge to defend their education by staying in as well.
I know many of them that see the flaws but don't know how to get out or don't want to suffer the change in social status that leaving will result in.
What other Shenanigans can we expect to see in the next 2 years?
by John Aquila inits been a little over 2 years since i left the watchtower.
in that time the magazines have been cut, the birth of jwtv, jw-org.
carts for preaching, removed district overseers, cut assemblies, demand all the money from the congregations, stop construction and layoff bethelites, change the format of the tmschool .
Rank and file publishers being asked to create a user account on jw.borg by signing up with their full name, country of residence, the name of their congregation and a special, unique publisher code given to them by the service overseer in the congregation. That way, Watchtower can authenticate that the person signing up is a true active JW.
That is exactly what they don't want. They want any direct responsibility or oversight of the publishers to be handled by their henchmen. They really don't care if someone gets the "JW Only" materials. They care about the "Elder Only" materials. They don't care about the publishers as individuals, they only care about them as collective groups.
I could envision them changing the names of the magazines. (Awake has undergone 2 name changes). Something more modern and that would give the publishers something new to be distracted by. They could also charge congregations or circuits a fee and then visit and interview select publishers and have it appear on their TV channel or something like that.
Just like they charge back the cost of the COs visit they could find a way to get more money in exchange for more exposure on their website. Or maybe they will find a way to give a title to someone who gives a tithe so they will be called a modern day Nazarite or something else and then they can highlight that not everyone can give 10% of their time to be a pioneer but they can give 10% of their income and be something else. (Just like they had something for construction workers.)
Cult or Religion
by Richard C B inwhat is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
To OP,
Since you have started this thread I would suggest you define the terms "cult" and "religion" so that it is clear to everyone and yourself what you mean. The definition in a dictionary is not always the same as the connotation that the word carries to certain individuals.
For a long time the Jehovah's Witnesses didn't even refer to themselves as a religion. They self-identified as something else. What most people seem to agree on are the characteristics of the organization and how many view it them as dangerous. If you call it a cult or call it a tulc or luct or anything else...that is just a series of letters. When you get to describing what they are, then each person can decide what word or word encompass it.
1914 'Big A' WT Retraction/Apology?!
by lurkernomore inso i just met with an old 'friend' who wanted a 'chat' after no contact for the best part of 4 years.
she obviously heard about the wonderful news of my abrupt fade :d. i guess i wanted to prove to myself that any future meet ups/chats with jw's would be pointless.
needless to say i proved myself right.
The only thing I know of that might be considered something like that was when they printed that Rutherford admitted he made "an ass of himself" regarding the 1925 resurrection of ancient worthies... -
new arrangement - chairman
by inbetween ina thought on the emphasis of the importance of the new chairman arrangement at the midweek meeting:.
it reminds me of a tv-show, where the showmaster introduces tv-clips of some topics.. is it maybe a preparation for meetings with more and more videos ?.
and all the local brothers are doing is introducing them, creating anticipation for what big skydaddy prepared this week.. i wonder, if most of the meeting times in years to come will be videos anyway.....
No local needs ??
First thoughts on "new" meeting...
by konceptual99 inhad a quick look at the workbook and flicked through the sample meeting video.. the increased use of video shows the trend for more centralised dissemination of "best practice" .
sure there isn't really a "school" any more and the format is a bit different but i think those that called it as the same old crap just in new package got it pretty much right.
Those videos of the presentations are made so they can be translated in many languages. Everyone, no matter how poor, needs to get up with the digital revolution of the Society or be left behind. -
The NEW "Bible Teach" book
by Oubliette inthe new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
I thought one reason to make everything clear and simple is it is easier to translate it properly and they have to translate into a lot of languages. They might even have their own limited dictionaries and so that they are sure terms they are used have consistent words in the languages they publish in. If they need to get something correct in 30 languages and have proofreaders that are qualified, they have to know english well enough as well as the target language very well. If they know the target language very well but don't know english as well then having simplified english is easier for them. Just my two cents... -
Template to dump Special Pioneers
by avaddohn94 in"downsizing" has reached special pioneers.. this is the template mexico is using to get rid of many of its special pioneers.
see how cold and unloving is the language they use.
a translation attempt is as follows:.
Why the requirement to reapply? I suspect it's a legalistic ploy to protect WT from liability claims.
It seems like it has to be a legal requirement. Special pioneers could be viewed as employees for certain things and just reclassifying them won't seem like a big enough split. Having them totally removed and then reapply as something else would seem like a more complete split. Plus the Society doesn't approve the pioneer application, the local body of elders does so will be a complete break.
If the people "getting the boot" were not kind and haven't made enough friends in all the time they were in special service, too bad. It isn't like this should come as a total surprise as there have been lots of bethelites reassigned and branches closed in the past. If they refuse to think it could happen to them and didn't prepare then they are not wise like the virgins Jesus spoke about in his parable.
They have a few months before they are removed so I hope they will get onto social media and try to get friends if they don't have them and create a network to take care of themselves and their peers because that is likely all they will get out of this organization.
All these changes seem part of the Master Plan
by wisdomfrombelow inbethel reductions.
special pioneer reductions.
construction reductions.
Bethel reductions. Special pioneer reductions. Construction reductions. All seems like a money issue but it also seems like something that anticipated.
some members of the Bethel family in the United States have been reassigned to the field and are now enjoying abundant blessings in other forms of the full-time ministry. Because of advancing age or other factors, others who were in the traveling work have now received special pioneer assignments.
Those words are in the Watchtower Study 2 weeks after the Annual meeting is Prepare Now for Life in the New World so after t he announcements of change and the initial shock the sheeple will be convinced that no matter what you are asked to do or where you are asked to live it is a blessing.
That article was written months ago and I believe they time the articles and their announcements to help distract and pacify the members. They knew they were going to make major changes so they prepared for it in their magazines. I wonder if next August's magazine can give more insight about what might happen in the 2016 Annual Meeting.