Their expression that one has to be anointed versus born during a period was interesting. Because ones can calculate these two groups to make the end some 50 years away, they use being anointed to shorten it my 30 or so years. Hence they push forward the urgency until they come up with another updated understanding.
The specifically gave themselve wiggle room when the end doesn't come in 20 years to expand it to those BORN that overlap to give them another 20 years before they find another excuse. By that time it will be a new Governing Body and someone else's problem. Notice that if they used "governing body members" instead of "anointed" that the overlapping members have already died off so none of them remain who were on the GB when Franz was on the GB. One elder described it as two links which make up a they can keep adding links until there are 144,000 long....