Jws have still time to correct themselves:
They can say one biblical generation is a life span of a spiritual person who died his natural death. Moses would be an ideal case. He lived 120 years (Deuteronomy 34:1-12), the full years of what God decreed as duration of one generation. (Genesis 6:3) That means First World war started in 1914 + 120 = 2034, which means “Last Days” or Last Generation would last till 2034.
Using Pandemic and Climate Emergency as the trigger point, they can easily proclaim to the world that "Great Tribulation" is already underway from 2020's, and "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." (Mathew 24:22) It will only gain momentum as the years go by, and it will be cut short after 2034, and those who join the side of JWs will survive into the New World.
Interestingly, secular person gained the victory over JWs. John Hogue published a book in 2016 implying great tribulation would start from 2020 because the very title of his book was: "
The Roaring 2020s: Decade of Destruction and Transformation
What is needed is HUMILITY. But JWs are struck in the literal reading of "seventy years" exile foretold for the Jews. Yet Jews began returning after fifty years, state all of Jewish documents.
That means 70 years is like 120-year lifespan foretold for humans. (Genesis 6:3) Some will live less or more than 120 years.