JWs' understanding about Satan is wrong. They made the mistake of taking Satan literally whereas Jesus and his half-brother James taught evil as originating from within each human being. (Mark 7:21–23); James 1:13) When James says God has “not tested anybody,” but humans are “tested” by their own greed, he makes even the Serpent/Satan in Genesis account too symbolic. For Psalmist, serpent was a symbol of “poison and disobedience.” (Psalm 58:4–5) The word for serpent, used in Genesis account, is “nahash” and it literally means ”Serpent, Bronze, Oracle.” It can also mean “ability to achieve a great technological feat,” or “some kind of mental process, usually intuitive and usually impure or otherwise detrimental.“ (Nahash)
Interestingly, Jesus never intended his followers to be made into an organizational set up with ladder-like authority structure as also seen among JWs which Jesus described as the characteristics of “pagans.” (Luke (LUK.22.24-27) So question is “how can pagans understand Satan or God?”
Literal understanding is of no help. For example, literal understanding about a drunkard is to think "he has money to enjoy life." You don't feel the need to help him. But in essence, you see him as an unhappy one. Empathy results, you feel like helping to come out of his inebriated, hopeless state.