People who personified Satan may have done it for good intention, but they never realized it put God in a bad light.
For the really inspired ones matter is very clear. This world is spoken as “lying under the power of wickedness” (1 John 5:19) which many Bible Translations rendered it wrongly as “wicked one” implying Satan. The word for “wickedness” is πονηρός (ponéros), and it means wastefulness such as a fruit of tree that has gone waste (Mathew 7:17, eyes that are not focused (Mathew 6:23). In all these places the same word πονηρός (ponéros) is used. (4190. πονηρός (ponéros) -- 79 Occurrences)
“Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them.” (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
The pleasurable days of one’s youth is good, and it is contrasted with unpleasurable days of old-age which is called “evil days.” Thus for the Bible writers evil simply means what is “waste, boring.” “All these evils (ponēra) come from inside and defile a person.” Mark 7:23 πονηρὰ (ponēra) Neutral plural