I once asked someone years ago what if the end still hasnt come when the generation from 1914 have all passed away? They said the society will probably change it again.
So realistically this new understanding of overlapping generations, what is the longest time frame until they have to have another new understanding?
That brother would lived up to the 1990's from 1914, if somebody was anointed before he died so early 1990's then its their generation that will by no means pass away?
Some of the youngest members of the GB are now in their 50's, (but they are all obese) so they could easily live for another 30 something years?
What on earth will happen if they do die in the next few decades? There are not that many genuine anointed ones left, I mean its pretty obvious that someone not in their later life who claims to be anointed is not going to be? I dont think there are that many genuine anointed ones left who havent had their sealing moment?