No matter how I look at this. God comes out losing. The first humans on earth. The first two, not the eight hundredth. But the first two rebelled and failed God. No sorry, even before they did that, Satan and his angels, what was it one third turned their back on him in heaven.
No matter what plays out from now into the future. This has been an absolute miserable failure for God. The fact that he has allowed us all to get into this state too, shows an even bigger failure and demonstration of how unloving he is.
I'm sure we all have our own way in which we would have dealt with Adam and Eve. I for one would have them still alive right now, in the garden of Eden, in a fallen state. Sinful, ageing and ever so slowly dying. Locked in a cage for us all to go visit and see. An example to the rest of us. The rest of us who didn't come from them. For we came from Ben and Fanny. God's second attempt at humanity. A couple that did in fact go on to do as God asked and thus perfect humans would have been filling the earth today. The angels still would have face palmed themselves when Satan, Adam and Eve rebelled.
But how the Angels can have any respect for God allowing his son to come to the earth to die. All the people that died in the Flood. The billions to die at Armageddon and the billions to die after the thousand year reign. I can't see how they could respect someone like that.