Jews have funny beanies, now, added candlesticks to the one used once by the Ancient Jews, when faithful, don't even believe the Exodus was real anymore, before Christ HID God's Name, and now use G-d, to 'show respect'....
Utter Hypocrisy
the most ridiculous of all dogmas anywhere in the universe is the very foundation of churchianity.....thus, all their other claims are just blah, blah!.
Jews have funny beanies, now, added candlesticks to the one used once by the Ancient Jews, when faithful, don't even believe the Exodus was real anymore, before Christ HID God's Name, and now use G-d, to 'show respect'....
Utter Hypocrisy
the most ridiculous of all dogmas anywhere in the universe is the very foundation of churchianity.....thus, all their other claims are just blah, blah!.
by Paul Sumner
The word most often used for God in the Hebrew Bible is Elohim. The word is a topic of frequent theological discussion and defining. But what is often lacking is accurate and detailed information based on the biblical contexts in which the word is found.
(A) Summary of Biblical Usage
(B) Eight Biblical Patterns
Extensive detailed information is found in the separate file: "Elohim" in Context: Part 2 (Details). Word surveys are based on: Avraham Even Shoshan, Qonqorkantzyah Hadashah (Jerusalem, 1981) and J.R. Kohlenberger and J.A. Swanson, Hebrew English Concordance to the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: 1998).
Genesis 1:1 Hebrew — "In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth."
Genesis 1:1 Greek — "In the beginning, Theos made the heavens and the earth.
the most ridiculous of all dogmas anywhere in the universe is the very foundation of churchianity.....thus, all their other claims are just blah, blah!.
Steel: the question is going to start a thread in 6 months stating how he has explored all the denominations of Christianity and how the wts isnt perfect but closest to the truth blah blah blah
Q: We JWs HAVE the truth- its just that a lot of GB nonsense is intermingled.
the most ridiculous of all dogmas anywhere in the universe is the very foundation of churchianity.....thus, all their other claims are just blah, blah!.
Londo: Trinitarian vs Arian debates have been going on for nearly 2000 years. The matter seems purely academic and at the end of the day not all that big of deal who is "right" and who is "wrong".
Q: Jesus said it means your LIFE to know- EVERLASTING Life. (John 17:3)
Londo: I am curious about what you said that the reason you lost respect for the Governing Body is because they "goofified meethings & assemblies". What do object to about their format?
Q; Turned them into WT ReadFests with videos.
Londo: Have you looked into other matters: 607, 1914, ect?
Q; Yes, valid dates, with wrong conclusions attached.
some go back to churchianity!.
and that, to me, indicates they never had real faith in god- but it was in men.....
Is THAT what you call "thinking"?
we all 'exit' in our own way and at our own pace but i'm curious, why carry on stuffing yourself into that stiff suit and tie or meeting dress years after you realised the truth about 'the truth'?.
they kept you a prisoner, what's stopping you from leaving now that you have the key to your own cell?.
loved ones?
I freely admitted to the elders that I will never go to the assembly ReadFests, and that I never bought the "Faithful Slave Class" nonsense, and they simply encouraged me to think and pray about it, that they were nt the Masters of my faith!
Quite Inspiring.
They call on me whenever I have a reply at the meetings- when I go.....
Conclusion: Yes, the GB has many flwas and bloopers- but TRUTH is TRUTH- and my brotherhood (including them) are just people doing their best to live up to it.
for those claiming that- how much thought or research have you done?.
objective or non-objective?.
ever read the other books claiming to be from god?
True- but not the OPINIONS of others!
we all 'exit' in our own way and at our own pace but i'm curious, why carry on stuffing yourself into that stiff suit and tie or meeting dress years after you realised the truth about 'the truth'?.
they kept you a prisoner, what's stopping you from leaving now that you have the key to your own cell?.
loved ones?
Yep, NikL , the GB have turned meetings and assemblies into GB Readfests.
They can't deviate from their outlines- or even use different scriptures!
WT Parrots...
we all 'exit' in our own way and at our own pace but i'm curious, why carry on stuffing yourself into that stiff suit and tie or meeting dress years after you realised the truth about 'the truth'?.
they kept you a prisoner, what's stopping you from leaving now that you have the key to your own cell?.
loved ones?
I'm fighting that, too, Schnell.
But I love the bros and sis- and sometimes actually LEARN something...whereas in the past, it was impossible to go and NOT learn something!
some go back to churchianity!.
and that, to me, indicates they never had real faith in god- but it was in men.....
I don't go to the weekday meeting anymore- it's been ruined, but my wife tells me they now allow Beards!
The GB has been so GOOFY with many of its rules....